Edited by leading experts J. Gerald Kennedy and Scott Peeples, this volume presents a sweeping reexamination of Poe’s work. Forty-five distinguished scholars address Poe’s troubled life and checkered career as a magazinist, his poetry and prose, and his reviews, essays, opinions, and marginalia. The chapters provide fresh insights into Poe’s lasting impact on subsequent literature, music, art, comics, and film and illuminate his radical conception of the universe, science, and the human mind.
Abbreviations of Poe’s Works; List of Contributors; Introduction: The Unfolding Investigation of Edgar Allan Poe; J. Gerald Kennedy and Scott Peeples; 1. An Orphan’s Life: 1809-1831; James M. Hutchisson; 2. A Life in Print: 1831-1849; Scott Peeples; 3. Poe: A Life in Letters; Lesley Ginsberg; 4. Poe’s Lives; Richard Kopley; 5. Orientalism in Poe’s Early Poetry; John Carlos Rowe; 6. Echoes of the Raven: Unoriginality in Poe’s Verse; Michael C. Cohen; 7. Poe’s Common Meter; Virginia Jackson; 8. Early Experiments in Genre: Imitations, Burlesques, Satires; Alexander Hammond; 9. The Perversity of Public Opinion in Poe’s Later Satires and Hoaxes; Stacey Margolis; 10. Undead Wives and Undone Husbands: Poe’s Tales of Marriage; Ellen Weinauer; 11. Solving Mysteries in Poe, or Trying To; Susan Elizabeth Sweeney; 12. Deciphering Dupin: Poe’s Ratiocinative Plots; Kelly Ross; 13. The Calculus of Probabilities: Contingency in The Mystery of Marie Roget; Valerie Rohy; 14. Counterparts: Poe’s Doubles from William Wilson to The Cask of Amontillado; Paul Christian Jones; 15. Outing the Perverse; Leland S. Person; 16. Poe’s Survival Stories as Dying Colonialisms; Matt Sandler; 17. Poe’s Landscapes, Picturesque and Ideal; Kent P. Ljungquist; 18. Undying Enigmas in ’Ligeia’; Alexandra Urakova; 19. The Fall of the House of Usher’ and the Architecture of Unreliability; Agnieska Soltysik Monnet; 20. Genre, Science, and ’Hans Pfaall’; Maurice S. Lee; 21. Rude Representation: Orienting the American Frontier Through the Characters in Pym’s Chasm; Jacob Berman; 22. Pym and Unreadability; Cindy Weinstein; 23. Poe’s Novel Explorations; Lauren Coats; 24. Conversations on the Body and the Soul: Transcending Death in the Angelic Dialogues and Mesmeric Revelation; Bruce Mills; 25. Making Sense of Eureka; Laura Saltz; 26. Poe the Critic: The Aesthetics of the Tomahawk Review; Paul Hurh; 27. The Marginal Center: Pinakidia, Marginalia, and Fifty Suggestions; Stephen Rachman; 28. Poe the Magazinist; Philip Edward Phillips; 29. Poe’s Cultural Inheritance: Literary Touchstones and the Cultivation of Erudition; William E. Engel; 30. Ancestral Piles: Poe’s Gothic Materials; Sean Moreland; 31. Kindred Contemporaries: Lippard, Bird, Simms, Hawthorne, and Irving; Carl Ostrowski; 32. Edgar Allan Poe and His Enemies; Sandra Tomc; 33. Bluestockings and Bohemians; Edward Whitley; 34. Poe and His Global Advocates; Emron Esplin; 35. Poe and Modern(ist) Poetry: An Impure Legacy; Margarida Vale de Gato; 36. An Unrequited Obsession: Poe and Modern Horror; W. Scott Poole; 37. Dupin’s Descendants in Print and on Screen; John Gruesser; 38. Poe’s Visual Legacy; Barbara Cantalupo; 39. Poe and the Avant Garde; Jonathan Elmer; 40. Postmodern Poe; Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock; 41. Poe and Science Fiction; Paul Grimstad; 42. Poe and the Sciences of the Brain; Paul Gilmore; 43. Temporal Effects: Trauma, Margaret Fuller, and Graphicality in Poe; Christina Zwarg; 44. Unqualified Pleasure: Poe on Forms of Life; Branka Arsi?; 45. Poe’s Terror Analytics; J. Gerald Kennedy; Index
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