This book contains the main results of the talks given at the workshop ?Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and Control?, which took place in Sevilla (Spain) on January 25-27, 2017. The work comprises 12 contributions given by high-level researchers in the partial differential equation (PDE) area to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Enrique Fern醤dez-Cara (University of Sevilla). The main topics covered here are: Control and inverse problems, Analysis of Fluid mechanics and Numerical Analysis. The work is devoted to researchers in these fields.
1 F. Ammar Khodja and C. Dupaix, Essential spectrum and null controllability of some parabolic equations.- 2 F. D. Araruna. F. O. Matias, M. L. Oliveira, and S. M. S. Souza, Well-posedness and asymptotic behavior for a nonlinear wave equation.- 3 M. Ben韙ez, A. Berm鷇ez and P. Font醤, A second-order linear Newmark method for Lagrangian Navier-Stokes equations.- 4 D. Bresch, M. Colin, X. Lin, and P. Noble, Lubrication Theory and Viscous Shallow-Water Equations.- 5 E. Casas, The Influence of the Tikhonov Term in Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations.- 6 R. Codina, On the design of algebraic fractional step methods for viscoelastic incompressible ows.- 7 V. Hern醤dez-Santamar韆 and L. de Teresa, Some remarks on the hierarchic control for coupled parabolic PDEs.- 8 D. Nina Huaman, J. L韒aco, and Miguel R. Nu馿z Ch醰ez, Local null controllability of the N-dimensional Ladyzhenskaya-Smagorinsky with N-1 scalar controls.- 9 A. M黱ch,Numerical estimations of the cost of boundary controls for the equation yt - ?yxx + Myx = 0 with respect to ?.- 10 F. J. Mar韓, J. Mart韓ez-Frutos, and F. Periago, Control of Random PDEs: an Overview.- 11 A. Coronel, F. Guill閚-Gonz醠ez, F. Marques, and M. Rojas-Medar, The Dubovitskii and Milyutin formalism applied to an optimal control problem in a solidification model.- 12 U. Biccari, M. Warma, and E. Zuazua, Local regularity for fractional heat equations.
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