This book includes a wide selection of the papers presented at the 48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS2016), held in Salerno on 8-10 June 2016.?Covering a wide variety of topics ranging from modern data sources and survey design issues to measuring sustainable development, it provides a comprehensive overview of the current Italian scientific research in the fields of open data and big data in public administration and official statistics, survey sampling, ordinal and symbolic data, statistical models and methods for network data, time series forecasting, spatial analysis, environmental statistics, economic and financial data analysis, statistics in the education system, and sustainable development.?Intended for researchers interested in theoretical and empirical issues, this volume provides interesting starting points for further research.
1 C. Favre-Martinoz et al., Robustness in survey sampling using the conditional bias approach with R implementation.- 2 F. Andreis et al., Methodological perspectives for surveying rare and clustered population: towards a sequentially adaptive approach.- 3 M. L. Aversa et al., Age management in Italian companies. Findings from two INAPP surveys.- 4 M. Calzaroni et al., Generating high quality administrative data: new technologies in a national statistical reuse perspective.- 5 T. Tuoto et al., Exploring solutions for linking Big Data in Official Statistics.- 6 C. Franceschini and N. Loperfido, An Algorithm for Finding Projections with Extreme Kurtosis.- 7 L. Egidi et al., Maxima Units Search (MUS) algorithm: methodology and applications.- 8 D. Passaretti and D. Vistocco, DESPOTA: an algorithm to detect the partition in the extended hierarchy of a dendrogram.- 9 F. Pauli, The p-value case, a review of the debate: issues and plausible remedies.- 10 J. Koskinen et al., A dynamic discrete-choice model for movement flows.- 11 G. Ragozini et al., On the Analysis of Time-Varying Affiliation Networks: the Case of Stage Co-productions.- 12 M. Ichino and K. Umbleja, Similarity and Dissimilarity Measures for Mixed Feature-type Symbolic Data.- 13 L. D?Ambra et al., Dimensionality reduction methods for contingency tables with ordinal variables.- 14 R. Gerlach and G. Storti, Extended Realized GARCH models.- 15 L. Crosato and B. Zavanella, Updating CPI weights through compositional VAR forecasts: an application to the Italian index.- 16 P. Chirico, Prediction intervals for heteroscedastic series by Holt-Winters methods.- 17 F. Benassi et al., Measuring residential segregation of selected foreign groups with aspatial and spatial evenness indices. A case study.- 18 G. Adelfio et al., Space-time FPCA ?clustering of multidimensional curves.- 19 D. Rocchini et al., The power of generalized entropy for biodiversity assessment by remote sensing: an open source approach.- 20 A. Lepore et al., An empirical approach to monitoring ship CO^2 emissions via Partial Least-Squares regression.- 21 A. Valentini et al., Promoting statistical literacy to university students: a new approach adopted by Istat.- 22 M. Enea, From South to North? Mobility of Southern Italian students at the transition from the first to the second level university degree.- 23 G. Leckie and H. Goldstein, Monitoring school performance using value-added and value-table models: Lessons from the UK.- 24 G. D?Epifanio, Indexing the Normalized Worthiness of Social Agents.- 25 E. Baldacci, Financial Crises and their Impacts: Data Gaps and Innovation in Statistical Production.- 26 A. Coli and B. Pacini, European welfare systems in official statistics: the national and local levels.- 27 M. Costa, Financial variables analysis by inequality decomposition.- 28 E. Grimaccia and T. Rondinella, A novel perspective in the analysis of sustainability, inclusion and smartness of growth through Europe 2020 indicators.- 29 I. Mingo et al., The Italian population behaviours toward environmental sustainability: a study from Istat surveys.- 30 C. Giusti and S. Marchetti, Estimating the at risk of poverty rate before and after social transfers at provincial level in Italy.
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