This volume features selected contributions on a variety of topics related to linear statistical inference. The peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference (LinStat 2016) held in Istanbul, Turkey, 22-25 August 2016, cover topics in both theoretical and applied statistics, such as linear models, high-dimensional statistics, computational statistics, the design of experiments, and multivariate analysis. The book is intended for statisticians, Ph.D. students, and professionals who are interested in statistical inference.
Foreword.- Comparison of estimation methods for inverse Weibull distribution (F. G. Akg?l,B. ?eno?lu).- Liu-type negative binomial regression (Y. Asar).-Appraisal of performance of three tree-based classification methods (H. D. Asfha,B. K. Kilinc).-High-dimensional CLTs for individual Mahalanobis distances (D. Dai, T. Holgersson).-Bootstrap type-1 fuzzy functions approach for time series forecasting (A. Z. Dalar, E.E?rio?lu).-A weighted ensemble learning by SVM for longitudinal data: Turkish bank bankruptcy (B. E. Erdogan,S. ?.Aky?z).-The complementary exponential phase type distribution (S. Eryilmaz).-Best linear unbiased prediction: Some properties of linear prediction sufficiency in the linear model (J. Isotalo, A. Markiewicz, S. Puntanen).- A note on circular m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F Systems (C. Kan).- A categorical principal component regression on computer assisted instruction in probability domain (T. Kapucu,O. Ilk,?. Batmaz).- Contemporary robust optimal design strategies (T. E. O?Brien).- Alternative approaches for the use of uncertain prior information to overcome the rank-deficiency of a linear model (B. Schaffrin,K. Snow, X. Fang).-Exact likelihood-based point and interval estimation for lifetime characteristics of Laplace distribution based on hybrid Type-I and Type-II censored data (F. Su, N. Balakrishnan, X. Zhu).- Statistical inference for two-compartment model parameters with bootstrap method and genetic algorithm (?. T?rk?en,M.Tez).
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