The second of two volumes, this edited proceedings book features research presented at the XVI International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems held in Aachen, Germany in summer 2016. It focuses on the theoretical, applied, and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial differential equations (systems of hyperbolic conservation laws, wave equations, etc.) and of related mathematical models (PDEs of mixed type, kinetic equations, nonlocal or/and discrete models) found in the field of applied sciences.
Hu, J., Jin, S. and Shu, R: A Stochastic Galerkin Method for the Fokker-Planck-Landau Equation with Random Uncertainties.- Hu, G., Meng, X. and Tang, T: On Robust and Adaptive Finite Volume Methods for Steady Euler Equations.- Hunter, J. K: The Burgers-Hilbert Equation.- Jaust, A. and Schutz, J: General Linear Methods for Time-Dependent PDEs.- Jiang, Y. and Liu, H: An Invariant-Region-Preserving (IRP) Limiter to DG Methods for Compressible Euler Equations.- Jiang, N: ? -Schemes with Source Terms and the Convergence Analysis.- Kabil, B: Existence of Undercompressive Shock Wave Solutions to the Euler Equations.- Karite, T., Boutoulout, A. and Alaoui, F. Z. E: Some Numerical Results of Regional Boundary Controllability with Output Constraints.- Kausar, R. and Trenn, S: Water Hammer Modeling for Water Networks via Hyperbolic PDEs and Switched DAEs.- Kiri, Y. and Ueda, Y: Stability Criteria for Some System of Delay Differential Equations.- Klima, M., Kucharik, M., Shashkov, M. and Velechovsky, J: Bound-Preserving Reconstruction of Tensor Quantities for Remap in ALE Fluid Dynamics.- Klingenberg, C. and Thomann, A: On Computing Compressible Euler Equations with Gravity.- Klingenberg, C., Klotzky, J. and Seguin, N: On Well-Posedness for a Multi-Particle-Fluid Model.- Klingenberg, C., Li, Q. and Pirner, M: On Quantifying Uncertainties for the Linearized BGK Kinetic Equation.- Klingenberg, C., Pirner, M. and Puppo, G: Kinetic ES-BGK Models for a Multi-Component Gas Mixture.- Klingenberg, C., Schnücke, G. and Xia, Y: An Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Conservation Laws: Entropy Stability.- Koellermeier, J. and Torrilhon, M: Simpli?ed Hyperbolic Moment Equations.- Korsch, A: Weakly Coupled Systems of Conservation Laws on Moving Surfaces.- Krankel, M. and Kröner, D: A Phase?eld Model for Flows with Phasetransition.- Lambert, W. J., Alvarez, A. C., Marchesin, D. and Bruining, J: Mathematical Theory of Two Phase Geochemical Flow with Chemical Species.- Lee, M-G., Katsaounis, T. and Tzavaras, A. E: Localization of Adiabatic Deformations in Thermoviscoplastic Materials.- LeFloch, P. G: The Global Nonlinear Stability of Minkowski Spacetime for Self-Gravitating Massive Fields.- Magiera, J. and Rohde, C: A Particle-Based Multiscale Solver for Compressible Liquid-Vapor Flow.- Mascia, C. and Nguyen, T. T: Lp-Lq Decay Estimates for Dissipative Linear Hyperbolic Systems in 1D.- Mifsud, C. and Despres, B: A Numerical Approach of Friedrichs’ Systems Under Constraints in Bounded Domains.- Modena, S: Lagrangian Representation for Systems of Conservation Laws: An Overview.- Murti, R., Baskar, S. and Prasad, P: Kinematical Conservation Laws in Inhomogeneous Media.- Offner, P., Glaubitz, J., Ranocha, H. and Sonar, T: Arti?cial Viscosity for Correction Procedure via Reconstruction Using Summation-by-Parts Operators.- Ohnawa, M: On A Relation Between Shock Pro?les and Stabilization Mechanisms in a Radiating Gas Model.- Panov, E. Y: On the Long-time Behavior of Almost Periodic Entropy Solutions to Scalar Conservations Laws.- Pareschi, L. and Zanella, M: Structure Preserving Schemes for Mean-Field Equations of Collective Behaviour.- Pelanti, M., Shyue, K-M. and Flatten, T: A Numerical Model for Three-Phase Liquid-Vapor-Gas Flows with Relaxation Processes.- Peralta, G: Feedback Stabilization of a Linear Fluid-Membrane System with Time-Delay.- Peshkov, I., Romenski, E. and Dumbser, M: A Unified Hyperbolic Formulation for Viscous Fluids and Elastoplastic Solids.- Pichard, T., Dubroca, B., Brull, S. and Frank, M: On the Transverse Diffusion of Beams of Photons in Radiation Therapy.- Prebeg, M: Numerical Viscosity in Large Time Step HLL-type Schemes.- Ranocha, H., Offner, P. and Sonar, T: Correction Procedure via Reconstruction Using Summation-by-part
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