Engineering Geology and Geological Engineering for Sustainable Use of the Earth’s Resources, Urbanization and Infrastructure Protection from Geohazards:Proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition, Egypt 2017 on Sustainable(Sustainable Civil Infrastructures)

适合可持续利用地球资源、城市化与保护基础设施免受地质灾害的工程地质学与地质工程:2017 第1届 GeoMEAST 埃及可持续民用基础设施国际会议暨展览会 / 会议录


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The ongoing population growth is resulting in rapid urbanization, new infrastructure development and increasing demand for the Earth’s natural resources (e.g., water, oil/gas, minerals). This, together with the current climate change and increasing impact of natural hazards, imply that the engineering geology profession is called upon to respond to new challenges. It is recognized that these challenges are particularly relevant in the developing and newly industrialized regions. The idea beyond this volume is to highlight the role of engineering geology and geological engineering in fostering sustainable use of the Earth’s resources, smart urbanization and infrastructure protection from geohazards. We selected 19 contributions from across the globe (16 countries, five continents), which cover a wide spectrum of applied interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research, from geology to engineering. By illustrating a series of practical case studies, the volume offers a rather unique opportunity to share the experiences of engineering geologists and geological engineers who tackle complex problems working in different environmental and social settings. The specific topics addressed by the authors of chapters included in the volume are the following: pre-design site investigations; physical and mechanical properties of engineering soils; novel, affordable sensing technologies for long-term geotechnical monitoring of engineering structures; slope stability assessments and monitoring in active open-cast mines; control of environmental impacts and hazards posed by abandoned coal mines; assessment of and protection from geohazards (landslides, ground fracturing, coastal erosion); applications of geophysical surveying to investigate active faults and ground instability; numerical modeling of seabed deformations related to active faulting; deep geological repositories and waste disposal; aquifer assessment based on the integrated hydrogeological and geophysical investigation; use of remote sensing and GIS tools for the detection of environmental hazards and mapping of surface geology. This volume is part of the proceedings of the 1st GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2017.
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