SUZANNE MAJHANOVICH and CHRISTINE FOX Originally published in the journal International Review of Education, Volume 54, Nos 3?4, 287?297. DOI: 10. 1007/s11159-008-9097-9 Springer Science+Business Media B. V. 2008 The papers in this collection have been selected from over 800 presentations given at the XIIIth World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, held at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 3 to 7 September 2007. The Congress was hosted on behalf of the WCCES by the Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education and in association with the International Association of Intercultural Education. For such an int- national gathering, it was appropriate that the theme chosen was ??Living Together: Education and Intercultural Dialogue??, providing scope for c- tributions by participating scholars, policy makers and practitioners in e- cation from some 70 countries. The presenters approached contemporary educational issues with knowledge and insights about a world characterized by the tensions and demands of global and local interests, by regional c- ?icts and post-con?ict deliberations, and by the global diaspora, with c- tural, religious and linguistic diversity within both small and large states. Only a very few papers could be included for this collection, but they rep- sent some of the key topics under discussion during the Congress. The papers were selected from the recommendations of the convenors of the 13 Thematic Groups, the keynote addresses and several symposia.
The WCCES and Intercultural Dialogue: Historical Perspectives and Continuing Challenges.- Bridging Cultures and Traditions for Educational and International Development: Comparative Research, Dialogue and Difference.- Complex Societies, Common Schools and Curriculum: Separate is not Equal.- The War and Post-War Impact on the Educational System of Bosnia and Herzegovina.- Engaging Youth in Community Development: Post-War Healing and Recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina.- Le 珷Harc鑜ement Entre Pairs 粻 L?蒫ole 蒷閙entaire Tch鑡ue: Une Question D?interpr閠ation.- Core Elements of the European (Higher) Education Policy: Market-Driven Restructuring or Impetus for Intercultural Rapprochement?.- Teacher Education and Development Policies: Critical Discourse Analysis from a Comparative Perspective.- Towards an Indigenous African Educational Discourse: a Philosophical Reflection.- Nurturing Relationships and Honouring Responsibilities: A Pacific Perspective.- Convergence of Monastic and Modern Education in Bhutan?.- Frontiers of Education: Japan As ?Global Model? or ?Nation At Risk??.
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