The new edition of this highly successful and popular textbook is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to using and interpreting all the quantitative techniques that students will encounter in their later business and financial careers; from fundamental principles through to more advanced applications.
Topics are explained in a clear, friendly step-by-step style, accompanied by examples, exercises and activities, making the text ideal for self-tuition or for the student with no experience or confidence in working with numbers. This highly successful learning-by-doing approach, coupled with the book’s clear structure, will enable even the most maths-phobic student to understand these essential mathematical skills.
Comprehensive in both its scope of coverage and the range of abilities it caters for, this remains a core textbook for undergraduate students of business, management and finance, for whom Quantitative Methods modules will be a key component. It will also appeal to those on related MBA and postgraduate courses.
PART I: ESSENTIAL MATHS.- 1. Numbers and Symbols.- 2. Simplifying Expressions.- 3. Solving Problems.- 4. Modelling Using Straight Lines.- PART II: MORE MATHS.- 5. Some Special Equations.- 6. Modelling Using Curves.- 7. Rates of Change.- PART III: DESCRIBING DATA.- 8. Pictures of Data.- 9. Summarising Data.- PART IV: PROBABILITY.- 10. Measuring Uncertainty.- 11. Numerical Outcomes.- 12. Continuous Numerical Outcomes.- 13. Some More Probability Distributions.- PART V: STATISTICS.- 14. Estimation.- 15. Testing Hypotheses.- 16. Correlation and Regression.- 17. Comparing Two Populations.- 18. Nonparametric methods.- 19. Categorical Data.- 20. Forecasting.- 21. Statistics in Practice.- PART VI: BUSINESS MODELLING.- 22. Linear Programming Models.- 23. Planning Projects.- 24. Models for Inventory Control.- 25. Time and Money.- 26. Decision Making.- 27. Simulating Reality.- 28. Controlling Quality.- PART VII: STATISTICAL TABLES.- 29. Cumulative Binomial Probabilities.- 30. Cumulative Standard Normal Probabilities.- 31. Percentage Points of the Standard Normal Distribution.- 32. Random Digits.- 33. Percentage Points of the t Distribution.- 34. Percentage Points of the x2 Distribution.
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