Artists’ oil paints have become increasingly complex and diverse in the 20th Century, applied by artists in a variety of ways. This has led to a number of issues that pose increasing difficulties to conservators and collection keepers. A deeper knowledge of the artists’ intent as well as processes associated with material changes in paintings is important to conservation, which is almost always a compromise between material preservation and aesthetics. This volume represents 46 peer-reviewed papers presented at the Conference of Modern Oil Paints held in Amsterdam in 2018. The book contains a compilation of articles on oil paints and paintings in the 20thCentury, partly presenting the outcome of the European JPI project ‘Cleaning of Modern Oil Paints’. It is also a follow-up on ‘Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint’ (Springer, 2014). The chapters cover a range of themes and topics such as: patents and paint manufacturing in the 20th Century; characterization of modern-contemporary oil paints and paint surfaces; artists’ materials and techniques; the artists’ voice and influence on perception of curators, conservators and scientists; model studies on paint degradation and long term stability; approaches to conservation of oil paintings; practical surface treatment and display. The book will help conservators and curators recognise problems and interpret visual changes on paintings, which in turn give a more solid basis for decisions on the treatment of these paintings.
Challenges in research: Connecting scientific analysis with conservation practice; A. Burnstock et al.- Evaluating cleaning systems for use on water sensitive modern oil paints: a comparative study; B. Ormsby et al.- Paint Technology.- Pigment Surface Treatments: 20th and 21st century industrial techniques and strategies for their detection; C. Salis Gomes et al.- Meet the future: the creation of new pigments; M. de Keijzer.- Zinc oxide in oil-based house paint: Insights from a paint chemist’s notebook dated 1949; A. Carter et al.- A Glimpse into the House and Decorative Paint Market in Norway During World War I (1914-1918); B. Wedvik.- Approaches to the identification of Royal Talens’ ETA (emulsion) paint in objects of art; L. van den Heuvel.- Synthetic organic pigments in Royal Talens oil paint 1920-1950 - The case of vermillion imit; R. Pause.- Case studies: artists techniques and materials; degradation; ethical considerations; treatment options.- Ellsworth Kelly: The Studio and Beyond; M.H. Gridley.- A new vocabulary of color: Bocour oil paints and Barnett Newman; C.E. Rogge, B.A. Epley.- Analysis of Modern Paints and Conservation at the Clyfford Still Museum; J Squires, P. Skiles.- Pigments of Soviet Artists in the 1950s - late 70s; I. Kadikova et al.- A View Through the Meander: A Study of Knifer’s Oil Paintings from the 1960s; M. Pavic, M. Munivrana.- Preservation of Russian Abstract Art of the Second Part of the 20th Century; Anastasia V. Yurovetskaya et al.- Investigating colour changes in red and blue paints - a preliminary study of art materials and techniques in Edvard Munch’s Old Man in Warnemunde (1907); J.S. Ferrer et al.- Aspects of Lovis Corinth’s Painting Technique in his late Work: Working Process and Colour Structure captured in Paint and on Film; T. Kramer.- Oil paint straight from the tube: paint-specific deterioration in works by Alexis Merodack-Jeaneau, 1910-1913; A. Grazyk et al.- Picasso 1917: Failure Mechanisms in the Paint Layers of Four Artworks; A. Vila et al.- Investigation on the speckles syndrome affecting late 1920s oil paintings by Rene Magritte; C. Defeyt et al.- Diagnosis and conservation process of major curled-up delaminated areas in a black oil painting from 1960 by Pierre Soulages; P. Helou-de La Grandiere.-Examination of paint delamination in C’est grace a nous by Asger Jorn; I.A. Tank Bronken.- A synchrotron photoluminescence microscopy study into the use and degradation of zinc white in The Woodcutters by Bart van der Leck; S. Hageraats et al.- ’Breaking waves’. The relation between zinc-oxide degradation in a ground layer and extreme delamination on Beach Scene, by J.E.H. Akkeringa (1861-1942); Alma Jongstra et al.- Efflorescence on the paintings of Edwin Austin Abbey: Examination, analysis, and cleaning of surface bloom on The Spirit of Light ; K. Wingel et al.- A Study of Softening and Liquefying Oil Paint on Womenizer by Alex Janvier; K. Helwig et al.- The Deterioration and Treatment of Some Late Paintings by Paul-Emile Borduas; M. O’Malley.- Colors before Zero: commercial alkyd-oil enamel paints in early reliefs by Jan J. Schoonhoven; L. Beerkens et al.- Some considerations when cleaning Robert Ryman’s oil paint(ings); L. Steyn et al.- Challenges of Surface Cleaning Paintings by Asger Jorn (1914-1973): An Inventory of Existing Practice; J. Bierings et al.-Decision-making processes regarding the treatment of modern oil paintings (1950’s - present) exhibiting paint dripping and oil exudates; J. de Groot et al.- Between rejection, ignorance, and preference: The history and dilemma of modern double-sided (recto/verso) paintings with regard to issues of conservation and presentation; U. Runeberg.- Model studies.- Novel microscopic strategy for the study of paint cross-sections; A. Artesani et al.- Investigations into the mechanical properties of commercial artists’ oil paint by Dynamic Mechanical (Thermal) Analysis (DMA), Nanoindentation (UNHT), and Dynamic Vapour Sorption (DVS); C. Krarup Andersen et al.- A Preliminary Investigation into the Behavior of Modern Artists’ Oil Paints in a Hot and Humid Climate; C. Grech et al.- Inside the forger’s oven: identification of drying products in oil paints during and after accelerated drying with increased temperatures; D. Blumenroth et al.- The influence of metal stearates on the water sensitivity of modern oil paints; D. Banti et al.- The rate of solvent action on modern oil paint; S. Zumbuhl.- Conservation treatment.- Water-sensitivity in modern oil paintings: Trends in phenomena and treatment options; M. Gillman et al.- Modern oil paintings in Tate’s collection: a review of analytical findings and reflections on water sensitivity; J. Lee et al.- Analytical study to monitor the effectiveness of a combined liquid-dispensing and micro-aspiration system for the cleaning of modern oil paintings; A. Casoli et al.- Ketone resins varnishes on canvas paintings from the collection of the Munch Museum; E. Storevik-Tveit et al.- Designing mock-up paintings for a study of novel surface cleaning techniques for Munch’s unvarnished Aula paintings; L. Porsmo Stoveland et al.- Analysis of cleaning efficacy and clearance of silicone-based Pickering-type emulsions used in the cleaning of water-miscible oil paints; J.M. Myers, M.Cushman.- Improving the surface cleaning of water sensitive oil paint by use of alternative application methods; M. Hintz et al.- Evolon (R) CR microfibre cloth as a tool for varnish removal; M. Vergeer et al.- Can Cellulosebeads save the Circling of the Planets? Cellulose-based consolidating filler to stabilise lifted brittle flakes on a large painting; K. Soppa et al.-
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