This book charts the changing frontiers of activism in the Americas. Travelling Canada, the US, the US-Mexico border, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, and Indigenous territories on Turtle Island, it invites readers to identify networks, clusters, and continuities of art-activist tactics designed to exceed the event horizon of the performance protest. Essays feature Indigenous artists engaging in land-based activism and decolonial cyberactivism, grass-roots movements imagining possible futures through cross-sector alliance building, art-activists forwarding tactics of reinvention, and student groups in the throes of theatrical assembly. Artist pages, interspersed throughout the collection, serve as animated, first-person perspectives of those working on the front linesof interventionist art. Taken together, the contributions offer a vibrant picture of emergent tactics and strategies over the past decade that allow art-activists to sustain the energy and press of political resistance in the face of a whole host of rights emergencies across the Americas.
1. On Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times: An Introduction;Natalie Alvarez, Claudette Lauzon, and Keren Zaiontz.- 2.Protest After Occupy: Rethinking the Repertoires of Left Activism;Micah White in conversation with Natalie Alvarez and Keren Zaiontz.- 3.Performative Conduct for Precarious Times; Natalie Alvarez and Keren Zaiontz.- 4.Their Dissidence Remains: Lessons from the 2011 Chilean Student Movement;Daniella Wittern-Bush.- 5.Beyond the Strike: Creative Legacies of the 2012 Quebec Student Protests;J.B. Spiegel.- 6.‘After the revolution, who’s going to pick up the garbage on Monday morning?’ Cartoneros and Sanmen in the Age of Financial Crises;Jimena Ortuzar.- 7.Your Trash is my Sustenance: Recycling the Image of ‘Waste Pickers’;Carla Melo.- 8.Sustainable Practices on the U.S./Mexico border: InSITE_05, Intervention, and Precarious Communities;Jennie Klein.- 9.Art as Process in Everyday Life;Wilfredo Prieto in conversation with Zaira Zarza.- 10.‘CAVCA buries BIACI’: Activating Decolonial Tools in Cartagena de Indias;Kimberly Richards and Martha Herrara-Lasso.- 11.Performance in the Peace Process: Creating Cultural Brigades;Patricia Ariza in conversation with Beatriz Pizano.- 12.Pimicikimak Sovereignty: Cree Sustainability and Hydroelectric Inundation in Northern Manitoba;Jessica Jacobson-Konefall.- 13.Already – And: The Art of Indigenous Survivance;Cheryl L’Hirondelle in conversation with Natalie Alvarez and Keren Zaiontz.
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