This book seeks to fill in the current technology gap with a specific collection of technologies developed for the study of protein function at a proteome scale. Chapters explore topics from protein functions to other aspects of protein analysis, especially in post-translational modification, as most proteomes use this mechanism in some capacity to carry out their unique role in cellular regulation. By comparing functional proteomes, this presents a bridge to other levels of system biology research including genomics and metabolomics in order to provide readers with a relatively complete picture for how one might study the biological system of their interest. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Authoritative and cutting-edge, Functional Proteomics: Methods and Protocols collects these novel technologies in the hope that new frontiers in biological research will be created, important drug targets can be identified, and clinically validated biomarkers and diagnostic tests can be further developed.
Making the Case for Functional Proteomics.- Methods to Monitor the Functional Subproteomes of SERPIN Protease Inhibitors.- Two-dimensional 16-BAC/SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of mitochondrial membrane proteins.- Systematic Glycolytic Enzyme Activity Analysis from Human Serum with PEP Technology.- A protein decomplexation strategy in snake venom proteomics.- Fractionation Techniques to Increase Plant Proteome Coverage: Combining Separation in Parallel at the Protein and the Peptide Level.- A systematic analysis workflow for high-density customized protein microarrays in biomarker screening.- Metaproteomics study of the gut microbiome.- Double-One Dimensional Electrophoresis (D1-DE) Adapted for Immunoproteomics.- BioID: A proximity dependent labeling approach in proteomics study.- Functional application of snake venom proteomics in in vivo antivenom assessment.- Proteomic detection of carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) in microbial secretomes.- An Overview of Mass Spectrometry-based Methods for Functional Proteomics.- Functional proteomic analysis to characterize signaling crosstalks.- Identification of unexpected protein modifications by mass spectrometry based proteomics.- Label-free LC-MS/MS Strategy for Comprehensive Proteomic Profiling of Human Islets Collected using Laser Capture Microdissection from Frozen Pancreata.- Mass Spectrometry based targeted proteomics for cell and tissue analysis.- Metabolomic investigation of Staphylococcus aureus antibiotic susceptibility by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry.- Nuts and bolts of protein quantification by on-line trypsin digestion coupled LC-MS/MS analysis.- Proteases: Pivot Points in Functional Proteomics.- The Use of Combinatorial Hexapeptide Ligand Library (CPLL) in Allergomics.- Efficient Extraction and Digestion of Gluten Proteins.- Glycosylation profiling of tumor marker in plasma using bead-based immunoassay.- Protein-specific analysis of invertebrate glycoproteins.- The use of proteomics studies in identifying moonlighting proteins.- Two-dimensional biochemical purification for global proteomic analysis of macromolecular protein complexes.- A data analysis protocol for quantitative data-independent acquisition proteomics.
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