Contemporary Surgical Management of Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreatic Diseases presents an excellent resource for surgical residents, hepatobiliary fellows and practicing surgeons interested in hepatobiliary surgery. This textbook offers a readable, concise and practical alternative. It is divided into three sections: liver, biliary tract, and pancreatic diseases. Each section covers the spectrum of benign and malignant disease. In addition, several chapters in each section are devoted to surgical techniques. This textbook should ultimately serve as an essential source for the rapidly evolving field of hepatobiliary surgery and its practitioners.
Key Features:
• Chapters are concise, with high-impact information that can be readily absorbed by the busy surgeon
• Professional illustrators provide state-of-the art figures demonstrating surgical techniques not found in other hepatobiliary textbooks
• Chapters are authored and edited by some of the preeminent surgeons in the field of transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery
Liver Disease: Liver Anatomy and Anatomic Variants (Shuja Ahmed and Janet E Tuttle-Newhall); Imaging of the Liver (Nestor Villamizar Ortiz and Bryan M Clary); Hepatic Abscess (Georgia Beasley and Dan G Blazer III); Cystic Disease of the Liver (Marcus Darrabie and Carlos E Marroquin); Benign Liver Lesions (Immanuel Turner and Paul C Kuo); Primary Hepatic Malignancies (Andrew S Barbas and Rebekah R White); Surgical Treatment of Hepatic Metastases (Nicole de Rosa, Dan G Blazer III and Bryan M Clary); Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension (Keshava Rajagopal and Carlos E Marroquin); Technical Management of Ascites (Carlos E Marroquin and Bridget M Marroquin); Variceal Therapies (Carlos E Marroquin); Liver Failure (Valentino Piacentino, Deborah L Sudan and Janet E Tuttle-Newhall); Liver Transplantation (Katia Papalezova, Carlos E Marroquin, Bradley H Collins, Janet E Tuttle-Newhall and Paul C Kuo); Embolization of Liver Tumors (Leo Villegas and Paul V Suhocki); Radiofrequency Ablation(Syamal Bhattacharya and Carlos E Marroquin); Regional Therapies for Hepatic Malignancy (Lindsay Talbot and Dan G Blazer III); Hepatic Resection (Michael E Barfield and Bryan M Clary); Surgical Techniques: Liver Procurement and Transplantation (Deepak Vikraman and Carlos E Marroquin); Biliary Disease: Biliary Anatomy (Asvin Ganapathi and Sandhya A Lagoo-Deenadayalan); Imaging of the Biliary Tree (Asad A Shah and Theodore N Pappas); Benign Gallbladder Disease: Cholelithiasis, Polyps, Gallstone Ileus (Kelley Hutcheson and Dan G Blazer III); Benign Gallbladder Disease: Cholecystitis (Ryan Turley, Kelley Hutcheson and Lisa Pickett); Benign Gallbladder Disease: Bile Duct Injuries (Dawn M Elfenbein and Mark Shapiro); Benign Gallbladder Disease: Postcholecystectomy Syndrome and stricture (Judson B Williams and Sandhya A Lagoo-Deenadayalan); Benign Gallbladder Disease: Choledocholithiasis and Cholangitis (Loretta Erhunmwunsee and Aurora D Pryor); Gallbladder Cancer (Asad A Shah, Srinevas K Reddy, Dan G Blazer III and Bryan M Clary); Choledochal Cysts (Brian R Untch and Abigail E Martin); Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (Vanessa Teaberry and Alastair Smith); Bile Duct Cancer: Peripheral and Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma (Melissa Danko and Dana Portenier); Interventional Biliary Techniques (Nicholas D Andersen and Paul V Suhocki); Surgical Techniques: Lap/Open Cholecystectomy (Sean Lee and Aurora D Pryor); Surgical Techniques: Bile Duct Injury Repair (Sapan Desai and Dan G Blazer III); Surgical Techniques: Common Bile Duct Exploration (Sebastian G de la Fuente, Aurora D Pryor and Theodore N Pappas); Surgical Techniques: Bile Duct Resection/Reconstruction (Sarah Evans and Carlos E Marroquin); Surgical Techniques: Transduodenal Techniques (Sean Lee and Katia Papalezova); Diseases of the Pancreas: Pancreas Anatomy and Anatomic Variants (Mani A Daneshmand and Eugene P Ceppa); Imaging of the Pancreas (Kristy Rialon, Courtney Coursey and Rendon C Nelson); Acute Pancreatitis (Mayur B Patel and Theodore N Pappas); Chronic Pancreatitis (Jack Haney and Eugene P Ceppa); Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas (Eugene P Ceppa and Douglas S Tyler); Periampullary Cancer (Diana L Diesen and Theodore N Pappas); Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (Tamarah Westmoreland and John Olson); Unusual Pancreatic Neoplasms (James Padussis and Douglas S Tyler); Pancreas and Islet Cell Transplantation (Keri E Lunsford and Bradley H Collins); Interventional Techniques (Stephen Philcox and Paul Jowell); Surgical Techniques: Whipple (Rebekah R White and Eugene P Ceppa); Surgical Techniques: Palliative Surgery (Jeffrey Nienaber and Theodore N Pappas); Surgical Techniques: Distal Pancreatectomy (Jin S Yoo and Aurora D Pryor); Surgical Techniques: Enucleation Procedures and Central Pancreatectomy (Elisabeth Tracy and Theodore N Pappas); Surgical Techniques: Chronic Pancreatic Procedures (John C Haney and Eugene P Ceppa); Surgical Techniques: Pancreas Transplantation (Errol L Bush, Kadiyala V Ravindra and Bradley H Collins).
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