This book presents the proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development ISMSD2019 (CIMDD2019), will include a 3-day Conference (12 - 14 November). Organized by the Research Unit: Materials, Processes and Environment and M’hamed Bougara University of Boumerdes (Algeria) in partnership with University of Reims - Champagne-Ardenne (France), this symposium follows the success of CIMDD 2013-2015-2017 and continues the traditions of the highly successful series of International Conferences on the materials, processes and Environment. The Symposium will provide a unique topical forum to share the latest results of the materials and sustainable development research in Algeria and worldwide.
Numerical simulation of cds-free cigs solar cells.- Treatment of hassi r’mel oil discharge by an agro-food-waste.- Cattle manure characterization for the optimization of biogas production and its energetic valorization in an agricultural exploitation.- Influence of treatment of date palm fibers on the mechanical properties of fiber concrete.- Analyses of the micromechanics of stress transfer in single fiber pull-out tests.- Effect of reinforcement shear and buckles defects on the low velocity impact behavior of a composite.- Biosurfactants production from newly isolated aspergillus sp. Fs11 using agro-industrial wastes.- Sustainable management of renewable energy potential in the naã‚ma region.- Physical and mechanical properties of concrete containing pvc waste as aggregate.- Impact of the nature of fibers on the physico-mechanical behavior and durability of cement matrices.- Statistical analysis of the tensile properties of fiber strand and vascular bundle extracted from date palm rachis. Modeling and simulation of conductance–voltage characteristics of a nitride gaas schottky diodeCompliance with rpa of an old building.- Elimination of malachite green on granular activated carbon prepared from olive stones in discontinuous and continuous modes.- Influences de la propagation d’une fissure sur les frã©quences modales des aubes de la turbine.- Behavior of concrete using coal waste (heap) in hot weather.- Cosotia project: decision support for the choice of concentrated solar technologies for electricity generation.- Study of physico-mechanical characteristics of concrete made with recycled gravel and prepared sand.- Effect of initial suction on the hydraulic conductivity of an algerian waste landfill lining.- Influence of thermally dilated graphite on the differential calorimetric of the fluoroplastique.- Study of the mechanical properties of a reactive powder concrete containing fibers.- Use of the stochastic finite element method for linear elasticity problems.- Statistical analysis of the tensile properties of fiber strand and vascular bundle extracted from date palm rachis.- Study of the mechanical strength of a composite carbon/perlon/epoxy used in the manufacture of orthopedic prosthesis.- Effect of different anodizing bath on improving the corrosion resistance of a 2024 aluminum alloy.- Influence of leachate pollution on hydromechanical properties of sandy soils-bentonite mixture.- A review of phase change materials used to improve thermal comfort in buildings.- Effect of water and temperature on the rheological behavior of crude oilMetal-organic framworks (mofs): advanced technology of architechitectural instability against moisture.- Physicochemical and foaming properties of crude acid whey treated by ultrafiltration.- The mechanical proprieties study of ti-n on machines steel substrates.- Maintenance of 3d printer for material optimization.
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