This book presents the proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Materials and Sustainable Development ISMSD2019 (CIMDD2019), will include a 3-day Conference (12 - 14 November). Organized by the Research Unit: Materials, Processes and Environment and M’hamed Bougara University of Boumerdes (Algeria) in partnership with University of Reims - Champagne-Ardenne (France), this symposium follows the success of CIMDD 2013-2015-2017 and continues the traditions of the highly successful series of International Conferences on the materials, processes and Environment. The Symposium will provide a unique topical forum to share the latest results of the materials and sustainable development research in Algeria and worldwide.
Mechanical behavior of honeycomb panels under tensile stress.- Mechanical characterization of aircraft structures with composite.- Help system for the evaluation of the brooks and corey unsaturated permeability estimation model.- High temperature magnetic properties of dysprosium iron garnet (dyig) revisited: a simple mean-field analysis.- Structural and optical properties study of zno nanocomposites electrodeposited on porous silicon substrates.- Preparation of silica-carbon nanotubes colloidal solutions: application to kevlarâ® reinforcement.- Smart drug delivery systems for improved solubility of valsartan.- Natural frequencies of functionally graded plate composed of a mixture of titanium (ti-6al-4v) and zirconia (zro2).- Statistical analysis using weibull method of jute yarns loaded under tensile tests.- Study of the mechanical properties of the sand concrete lightened by lignocellulosic materials.- Improvement of the thermal properties of polypropylene nanocomposites by the valorization of a local nanoclay.- Natural frequencies of functionally graded plate composed of a mixture of titanium (ti-6al-4v) and zirconia (zro2).- Zno thin films grown by plasma sputtering process for optoelectronic applications: effect of substrate type.- Dynamic behavior analysis of fgm clamped nano-plates based on elastic foundations.- Simulation of the electrical parameters of organic photovoltaic cells.- Structural, optical, electrical and mechanical properties of zno co-doped ag, mg thin films: annealing temperature effect.- Sol-gel synthesis of sn doped zno thin films and thier structural, morphological and optical proprieties.- Analyses of the micromechanics of stress transfer in single fiber pull-out tests.- Hydrogels with enhenced adhesive and rheological properties for transdermal drug delivery systems design.- Tio2 nano-films morphology.- Study of vibrational and mechanical properties of lixo3 ( x = nb, ta): application to surface acoustic wave (saw) devices.- Application of copper thin layer electrical resistance sensorfor corrosion monitoring in aggressive environments.- Fp-lapw study of optoelectronic and elastic properties of gdcro3 cubic perovskite: gga+u and hybrid functionals investigation.- Design of multi-band gap absorber layer for single-junction a-si:h solar cell.- Effect of sodium sulfate in a mortar incorporating metakaolin.- Effects of rare earth (ce, er, eu) doping on structural and optical properties of zno aerogels synthesized in supercritical isopropanol.- Optimisation of the preparation conditions of the hydrogels based on osa starch/gelatin.- Study of the mechanical properties of the sand concrete lightened by lignocellulosic materials.- Study of the influence of operational parameters on the adsorption of a dye by a biomaterial.- Synthesis of lead-free ceramics of the perovskite type for piezoelectric applications by conventional solid-state reaction.- Sol gel synthesis and thermal treatment effect on ce3+ doped gdbo3 nanoclusters obtained in silica glassCa-alginate-carob galactomannans beads to preserve viability during digestive hostility transit and cholesterol uptake ability of probiotics bacteria.- Identification of defects and fatigue of aluminum plates by control of vibration characteristics.- Study of dynamic behavior milling for an aluminum alloy part of type 6061-t6.
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