Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Volume 1 of theProceedings of the 2019 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the first volume of six from the Conference, brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Experimental Mechanics, including papers on:Synchrotron Applications/Advanced Dynamic ImagingQuantitative Visualization of Dynamic EventsNovel Experimental TechniquesDynamic Behavior of GeomaterialsDynamic Failure & FragmentationDynamic Response of Low Impedance MaterialsHybrid Experimental/Computational StudiesShock and Blast LoadingAdvances in Material ModelingIndustrial Applications
1. Dynamic Tensile Behavior of Soft Ferromagnetic Alloy Fe-Co-2V.-2. Toward Paradoxical Inconsistency in Electrostatics of Metallic Conductors.-3. Ballistic Response of Woven Kevlar Fabrics as a Function of Projectile Sharpness.-4. Effect of Thermomechanical Couplings on Viscoelastic Behaviour of Polystyrene.-5. Dynamic Response of Layered Functionally Graded Polyurethane Foam with Nonlinear Density Variation.-6. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Density Graded Foams Subjected to Dynamic Loading.-7. Method for Characterizing Electric Current Effects on the Deformation of Metals.-8. Investigating the Mechanical and Thermal Relationship for Epoxy Blends.-9. Structural Intensity Assessment on Shells via the Projection of Experimental Data on a Finite-Element Mesh.-10. Dynamic Compressive Response of Carbon Fibre Laminar Composite and Carbon Fibre Corrugated Sandwich Panel.-11. Strain Rate Dependence of Stabilized, Nanocrystalline Cu Alloy.-12. Designing Future Materials with Desired Properties using Numerical Analysis.-13. Kolsky Bar Testing of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives.-14. Full-Field Mechanical and Thermal Strain-Rate Dependence of CFRP Laminates.-15. Enhanced Energy Absorption Performance of Liquid Nanofoam-Filled Thin-Walled Tubes Under Dynamic Impact.-16. Effect of Heat-treatment on Rock Fragmentation using Dynamic Ball Compression Test.-17. Effect of Confining Pressure on the Dynamic Mode-II Fracture Toughness of Rocks.-18. A Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Charaterisation with Time Temperature Superposition for Polymer Under Large Strain Rates.-19. Tensile Hopkinson bar Analysis of Additively Manufactured Maraging Steel.-20. Large-Diameter Triaxial Kolsky Bar for Evaluating Very-High-Strength Concrete.-21. Dynamic Compressive Tests of Alumina Dumbbells Using a Spherical Joint.-22. Experimental Method for Mode I Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Composite Laminates Using Double Cantilever Beam Specimens.-23. Numerical Study of Ring Fragmentation.-24. Development of a New Testing Method to Capture Progressive Damage in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers Subject to a Simulated Lightning Strike.-25. Overview of the First SHPB Experiments on Single Crystal Explosives.-26. Hydrodynamic Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability of Metallic Solids used to Assess Material Deformation at High Strain-rates.-27. Combined Compression and Shear Impact Response of Polycrystalline Metals at Elevated Temperatures.-28. Dynamic Failure of Pure Tungsten Carbide Under Simultaneous Compression and Shear Plate Impact Loading.-29. A Kolsky Bar with a 50 ns Rise-Time – Application to Rates Beyond 1M/s.-30. Strain Hardening Effects of Soft Viscoelastic Materials in Inertial Microcavitation.-31. Assessment of Dynamic Fracture in Ultra-high-performance Concrete using a Synchrotron X-ray Source.-32. High Rate Mechanical Characterization of Sensitized 5083-H131 Aluminum Alloy.-33. Application of High-Speed Digital Image Correlation to Taylor Impact Testting.-34. Observation of Dynamic Adhesive Behavior Using High-Speed Phase Contrast Imaging.-35. Strain-Rate Effect on the Deformation Mechanisms of Agglomerated Cork.-36. Dynamic Mechanical Behaviour of Reinforced Cork Agglomerate.-37. Use of Edge-On Impact Tests with Synchrotron-Based MHz Radioscopy to Investigate the Multiple Fragmentation Process In SiC Ceramics.-38. Low Temperature Seawater Effects on the Mechanical, Fracture, and Dynamic Behavior of E-Glass and Carbon Fiber Laminates.-39. Using the SURF Model to Simulate Fragment Impact on Energetic Materials.
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