The Mesopotamian marshes are important for economic, social, and biodiversity values and have been home to indigenous human communities for millennia. They are regarded as a legendary site.This multi-authored book contains chapters written by world-renowned experts in their field. Both basic and applied information are made available, making the book a must-have for a wide spectrum of users. For example, an understanding of the natural and the social aspects of the marshes, as described here, is an obvious prerequisite for a pest management plan in this area. Scholars interested in wetlands can use this book as a guide to compare different wetlands areas in Asia. The bibliography section contains valuable references to the marsh areas and research in the field.This book serves as an up-to-date comprehensive source of information on different aspects of the southern marshes of Iraq and is aimed at academic scholars, environmentalists, and decision makers.
Chapter 1. Introduction.- Part I. Historical perspectives.- Chapter 2. Cities in the Water: Waterscape and Evolution of Urban Civilization in Southern Mesopotamia as seen from Tell Zurghul, Iraq (Davide Nadali).- Chapter 3. Reed-Swamps in the Sumerian Material Culture: Archaeological, Archaeobotanical and Experimental Insights from the Abu Tbeirah Excavations (Licia Romano, Alessandra Celant, Maria Virginia Montorfani, Franco D’Agostino).- Chapter 4. Human Ecology of the Marshes (Ariel I. Ahram).- Chapter 5. Role of women in ancient Mesopotamia and the southern marshes of Iraq: a comparative account (Laith A. Jawad).- Part II. Environmental factors.- Chapter 6. Physical and chemical characters of Mesopotamian marshes: a short review (Bahram K. Maulood and Fikrat M. Hassan).- Chapter 7. Hydrologic structures in the Tigris Euphrates Bas and their impact on the vitality of the Marshes (Toon Bijnens).- Chapter 8. Importance of Hydrological and Hydrogeological Studies in Wetlands: Examples from Turkey (Melis Somay-Altas).- Chapter 9. Use of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery for Monitoring Water Bodies and Wetlands (Mahdi Hasanlou and Seyd Teymoor Seydi).- Chapter 10. Usage of Satellite technology in monitoring the wetlands of Turkey, Tigris and Euphrates Watershed (Gordana Kaplan, Zehra Yigit Avdan, Ugur Avdan).- Part III. Geology.- Chapter 11. Sedimentology and Mineralogy of Quaternary Sediments of Marshes, South of Iraq (Badir N. Albadran).- Part IV. Major biotope.- Chapter 12. Phytoplankton and Primary Production in Iraqi marshes (Bahram K. Maulood and Fikrat M. Hassan).- Chapter 13. Distribution patterns, diversity centres and priorities for conservation of Iranian true aquatic plants (Ahmadreza Mehrabian).- Chapter 14. Compiled checklist of aquatic invertebrates of the southern marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 15. The Indian shad Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822) in the southern marshes of Iraq: a revision and evaluation of a compiled data (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 16. The presence of Gambusia fish in the southern marshes of Iraq: bad or good (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 17. Checklist of freshwater fishes of southwestern wetlands of Iran (Hamid Reza Esmaeili).- Chapter 18. Checklist of fishes of the Caspian Sea basin: Land of Wetlands (Hamid Reza Esmaeili, Keyvan Abbasi).- Chapter 19. The ornithological importance of the southern marshes of Iraq (Mudhafar A. Salim, Salwan A. Abed, and Richard F. Porter).- Part V. Biodiversity aspects.- Chapter 20. Northern Gulf Marine Biodiversity in Relevance to the River Discharge (Faiza Al-Yamani, Igor Polikarpov, Maria Saburova).- Chapter 21. A possible threat to the fish biodiversity in the southern marshes of Iraq: a mini review (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 22. Biotic homogenisation: a process that happening in the southern marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Part VI. Natural resources.- Chapter 23. Fish, fishing methods and Fisheries of the southern marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 24. The artisanal fishers in the southern marshes of Iraq and the traditional ecological knowledge (Laith A. Jawad).- Part VII. The marshes and human health.- Chapter 25. Fish consumption of mothers and their children in fishermen society in the marsh areas (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 26. Ingestion of fish bones: clinical cases from the marsh areas of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Part VIII. Environmental challenges.- Chapter 27. The status of pollution in the southern marshes of Iraq: A short review (Nader A. Salman, Hamid T. Al-Saad, Faris J. Al-Imarah).- Chapter 28. The effects of man-made noise on the fishes in the marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 29. Heavy metals in wetlands in Turkey (Onur Can Türker and Jan Vymazal).- Chapter 30. Locals’ awareness of ecotourism in the southern marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 31. The effects of thermal pollution on the aquatic life in the southern marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Part IX. Conservation.- Chapter 32. What ecological principles required for a proposed establishment and management of national parks in the southern marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 33. The possible difficulties and outcomes of the biodiversity conservation of the southern marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 34. Co-Management scheme to protect the southern marshes of Iraq: a proposal (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 35. Eradication as a method to manage the non-native fish in the marsh environment: a proposal (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 36. Freshwater commercial bycatch in the southern marshes of Iraq: the unexploited aquatic wealth and understated conservation problem (Laith A. Jawad).- Part X. Socio-economic aspects.- Chapter 37. Ornamental fish farming: a proposal for a successful small scale aqua business project in the southern marshes of Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 38. Migration of youth to the big cities from the southern marshes of Iraq: solutions to keep locals with an upgrading for their skills and livelihood (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 39. The daily life of the marsh Arab of the southern marshes of Iraq through a camera lens (Laith A. Jawad).- Chapter 40. Socio-economic status comparison of fishermen community in two marsh areas in southern Iraq (Laith A. Jawad).
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