Critical Themes in Indian Sociology brings together the writings of a number of scholars—both well established and younger, in India and in different parts of the world—on various themes that express the richness and diversity that defines sociological scholarship on India. The book reflects changes in scholarship over time and charts out new subjects and methods for the study of social life in India. Commemorating the 50 plus years since Contributions to Indian Sociology was first published, this book is a tribute to a journal that has sustained an internationally acclaimed and rigorous sociological engagement with India. Comprising a wide range of themes such as village, city, class, caste, politics, gender, sexuality, media, food and education, this book presents a concise, yet in-depth sense of a sociological view of India today.
Introduction \\ The State as an Ethnographic ObjectThomas Blom Hansen \\ The Folk and the Making of an Indian AestheticRoma Chatterji \\ Religious Violence: A Sociological PerspectiveRonie Parciack \\ Contemporary ReligiositiesJacob Copeman and Johannes Quack \\ Artful Living: New Religious Movements in and of South AsiaTulasi Srinivas \\ Villages and Villagers in Contemporary IndiaSurinder S. Jodhka \\ Fields, Markets and Agricultural CommoditiesMekhala Krishnamurthy \\ The Nation, De-duplicatedLawrence Cohen \\ Internet CulturesNicholas Nisbett and Aditi Bhonagiri \\ Schooling and Culture: Bringing Schools into SociologyMeenakshi Thapan \\ Cultures of Work in India’s ‘New Economy’Carol Upadhya \\ The Sociology of Labour in IndiaGeert de Neve \\ Hierarchy without System? Why Civility Matters in the Study of CasteSuryakant Waghmore \\ Caste and the Anthropology of DemocracyLucia Michelutti \\ ‘The Middle Class’ and the Middle ClassesRaka Ray \\ Tribe, Egalitarian Values, Autonomy and the StateAlpa Shah \\ Gendering Sociology, a Sociology of Gender or Studying Women?: Some ReflectionsRajni Palriwala \\ Contemporary IntimaciesPerveez Mody \\ Conjugality and Marital Dissolution in Historical PerspectiveShalini Grover \\ Gender and LawSrimati Basu \\ Masculinities and CultureJoseph S. Alter \\ The Sociology of Disability: Conceptual Ethnography of an Analytical Category in IndiaRenu Addlakha \\ Alternating Sexualities: Sociology and Queer Critiques in IndiaPaul Boyce and Rohit K. Dasgupta \\ Ageing, Ambivalent Modernities and the Pursuit of Value in IndiaSarah Lamb \\ New Cultures of Food StudiesAmita Baviskar \\ Cinematic CulturesSara Dickey \\ The Sociology of Consumption in India: Towards a New AgendaMargit van Wessel \\ The Challenge of Urban SpaceSmriti Srinivas \\ Feet on the Ground, Eyes on the Horizon: The Anthropology of Environment and Climate ChangeRita Brara \\ Beyond Medical Pluralism: Medicine, Power and Social Legitimacy in IndiaV. Sujatha \\ Index
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