Victimology and Victim Assistance offers insights into the criminal justice system from the victims’ perspective. Investigating victim involvement in the criminal justice system, the impact of crime on victims, and new directions in victimology and victim assistance.
Preface \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Authors \\ PART I. FOUNDATIONS \\ CHAPTER 1. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES OF VICTIMOLOGY AND VICTIM ASSISTANCE \\ History of Victimology \\ History of Victim Assistance \\ Legislative and Policy Development of Victims’ Rights \\ Types of Victim Services \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 2. THEORIES OF VICTIMIZATION \\ Pioneers in Victimology \\ Theories of Victimization \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 3. THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF VICTIMIZATION \\ Primary Source of Crime Victim Data in the United States \\ International Crime Statistics \\ The Nature and Extent of Victimization \\ Fear of Crime \\ Recurring Victimization \\ Costs of Victimization \\ Victim Reporting Behaviors \\ Sources of Victim Services \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 4. TRAUMA AND RECOVERY OF VICTIMS \\ Physiological Impact of Victimization \\ Definitions of Stress and Trauma \\ Responses to Trauma \\ Reducing and Preventing Trauma \\ Stages of Recovery \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ PART II. UNDERSTANDING THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM AND VICTIM ASSISTANCE \\ CHAPTER 5. THE INVESTIGATIVE PROCESS AND VICTIM ASSISTANCE \\ Policing in America \\ Victims’ Initial Contact With the Police \\ Role of Victim Advocates \\ Different Types of Victim Services \\ Specific Types of Victims and Law Enforcement \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 6. THE COURT PROCESS AND VICTIM ASSISTANCE \\ The Court Process \\ Victim Involvement in the Court Process \\ Assisting Victims of Crime \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 7. CORRECTIONS, PRISON VIOLENCE, AND VICTIM ASSISTANCE \\ Correctional Systems \\ Victim Services and Programs in Correctional Settings \\ Victim Involvement in Correctional Programs \\ Victim Notification \\ Prison Violence and Victimization in Prison \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 8. JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM, RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, AND VICTIM ASSISTANCE \\ Historical Overview of the Juvenile Justice System \\ Rights of Victims of Juvenile Crime \\ Victims of Juvenile Crimes \\ Juvenile Justice Process \\ Child Welfare System \\ Youth in the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems \\ Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice System \\ Balanced and Restorative Justice for Juveniles \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ PART III. IMPACT OF CRIME ON VICTIMS \\ CHAPTER 9. VICTIM ASSISTANCE FOR FAMILY VIOLENCE: CHILD ABUSE AND ELDER ABUSE \\ What Is Family Violence? \\ Victim Assistance for Child Abuse Victims \\ Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect \\ Effects of Child Abuse on Victims \\ Effective Responses to Child Abuse and Neglect \\ Human Trafficking of Children \\ Victim Assistance for Victims of Elder Abuse \\ Defining Elder Abuse and Neglect \\ Effects of Elder Abuse on Victims \\ Effective Responses to Elder Abuse and Neglect \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 10. VICTIM ASSISTANCE FOR INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE \\ Victim Assistance for Intimate Partner Violence Victims \\ Defining Intimate Partner Violence \\ Effects on Victims \\ Effective Responses to Intimate Partner Violence \\ Why Victims Find It Challenging to Leave Abuse Relationships \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 11. VICTIM ASSISTANCE FOR SEXUAL VICTIMIZATION \\ What is Sexual Victimization? \\ Victim Assistance for Victims of Sexual Violence \\ Rape Trauma Syndrome \\ Effective Responses to Victims of Sexual Victimization \\ Human Trafficking \\ Victim Assistance for Sexual Violence Victims on College Campuses \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 12. VICTIM ASSISTANCE FOR CYBER-CRIME \\ What Is Cyber-Crime? \\ Extent of Internet Fraud \\ Effective Responses to Victims of Cyber-Crime \\ What Is Cyber-Bullying and Stalking? \\ Extent of Cyber-Bullying and Cyber-Stalking \\ Effective Responses to Victims of Cyber-Bullying and Cyber-Stalking \\ What Is Cyber Child Sexual Exploitation? \\ Extent of Cyber Child Sexual Exploitation \\ Effective Responses to Child Sexual Exploitation \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ PART IV. NEW DIRECTIONS IN VICTIM ASSISTANCE \\ CHAPTER 13. PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICS IN VICTIM ASSISTANCE \\ Ethics in Victim Assistance \\ Ethical Dilemmas and Ethical Decision Making \\ Special Considerations in Victim Services \\ Challenges in Serving Victims \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 14. COLLABORATIVE RESPONSES TO VICTIMS \\ Collaborative Approaches \\ Five Steps of Collaborative Processes \\ Advantages of Collaborative Working Relationships \\ Challenges to Successful Working Relationships \\ Service Delivery Models \\ Examples of Collaborative Efforts \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ CHAPTER 15. CHALLENGES IN VICTIM SERVICES \\ Looking Ahead \\ Victim Assistance for Human Trafficking Victims \\ Victim Assistance for Victims of Terrorism \\ International Collaboration and Victim Assistance \\ Summary \\ Key Words \\ Internet Resources \\ Critical Thinking Questions \\ Appendix \\ Glossary \\ References \\ Index
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