Deep Life takes readers to uncharted regions deep beneath Earth?s crust in search of life in extreme environments and reveals how astonishing new discoveries by geomicrobiologists are helping the quest to find life in the solar system.
Tullis Onstott, named one of the 100 most influential people in America by Time magazine, provides an insider?s look at the pioneering fieldwork that is shining vital new light on Earth?s hidden biology?a thriving subterranean biosphere that scientists once thought to be impossible. Come along on epic descents two miles underground into South African gold mines to experience the challenges that Onstott and his team had to overcome. Join them in their search for microbes in the ancient seabed below the desert floor in the American Southwest, and travel deep beneath the frozen wastelands of the Arctic tundra to discover life as it could exist on Mars.
Blending cutting-edge science with thrilling scientific adventure, Deep Life features rare and unusual encounters with exotic life forms, including a bacterium living off radiation and a hermaphroditic troglodytic worm that has changed our understanding of how complex subsurface life can really be. This unforgettable book takes you to the absolute limits of life?the biotic fringe?where today?s scientists hope to discover the very origins of life itself.
FOREWORD ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xiii ABBREVIATIONS xv INTRODUCTION 1 1 Triassic Park 12 2 The Treasure of Cerro Negro 56 3 Bikers, Bombs, and the Death-o-Meter 103 4 Microbes in Meteorites! 126 5 Life in Deepest, Darkest Africa 143 6 Hunting for Water and Carbon 172 7 The Subterranauts 198 8 A Lot of Breaks and One Lucky Strike 234 9 Life beneath the Ice 265 10 The Worm from Hell 333 EPILOGUE 357 APPENDIX A: Chronology of the Exploration of Subsurface Life 365 APPENDIX B: Chronology of the Meeting of the U.S. DOE?s SSP Meetings 377 NOTES 381 REFERENCES 463 INDEX 473
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