From 1936 to 1941, C. G. Jung gave a four-part seminar series in Zurich on children’s dreams and the historical literature on dream interpretation. This book completes the two-part publication of this landmark seminar, presenting the sessions devoted to dream interpretation and its history. Here we witness Jung as both clinician and teacher: impatient and sometimes authoritarian but also witty, wise, and intellectually daring, a man who, though brilliant, could be vulnerable, uncertain, and humbled by life’s mysteries. These sessions open a window on Jungian dream interpretation in practice, as Jung examines a long dream series from the Renaissance physician Girolamo Cardano. They also provide the best example of group supervision by Jung the educator. Presented here in an inspired English translation commissioned by the Philemon Foundation, these sessions reveal Jung as an impassioned teacher in dialogue with his students as he developed and refined the discipline of analytical psychology.
An invaluable document of perhaps the most important psychologist of the twentieth century at work, this splendid book is the fullest representation of Jung’s interpretations of dream literatures, filling a critical gap in his collected works.
Note to the English Edition vii Acknowledgments ix Preface and Introduction by the Original Editors, Lorenz Jung and Maria Meyer-Grass xi Calendar Contents for the Full Seminar, Winter Term, 1936/37-Winter Term, 1940/41 (coordinated with Children’s Dreams Seminar) xvii Introduction by the editor, John Peck xxi A. Older Literature on Dream Interpretation (Commencing Winter Term 1936/37) Chapter 1. Macrobius: Commentarius ex Cicerone in Somnium Scipionis, Paper by W. Bachtold 3 Chapter 2. Artemidorus: Five Books on the Art of Dream Interpretation, Paper by Grete Adler 14 Chapter 3. Synesius of Cyrene: Treatise on Dream Visions, Paper by Rivkah Scharf 22 Chapter 4. Caspar Peucer, De Somniis, Paper by Marie-Louise von Franz 32 B. The Enlightenment and Romanticism Chapter 5. M. l’Abbe Richard, Theorie des songes, Paper by Dr. Alice Leuzinger 45 Chapter 6. Franz Splittgerber, Schlaf und Tod, Paper by Kristin Oppenheim 49 C. The Modern Period Chapter 7. Yves Delage, Le Reve, Paper by Hans Baumann 57 Chapter 8. Discussion of Paul W. Radestock, Schlaf und Traum, Paper by Dr. Alice Kitzinger 69 Chapter 9. Discussion of Philipp Lersch, Der Traum in der deutschen Romantik, Paper by Dr. Charlotte Spitz 74 Chapter 10. Discussion of Jackson Steward Lincoln, The Dream in Primitive Cultures, Paper by Dr. Kenower Bash 82 Chapter 11. Discussion of Eugene Marais, The Soul of the White Ant, Paper by Carol Baumann 94 D. Visions and Dreams Chapter 12. Discussion of the Visions of St. Perpetua, Paper by Marie-Louise von Franz 107 Chapter 13. Discussion of the Dreams of the Renaissance Scholar Girolamo Cardano, Paper by Dr. E. Levy 122 Chapter 14. Discussion of Three Dreams of Dr. John Hubbard, alias Peter Blobbs (The Censer, the Swinging Ax, and the Man at the End of the Corridor), Paper by Carol Baumann 216 Bibliography 241 Index 249
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