This book provides a comprehensive overview of current research in African languages, drawing on insights from anthropological linguistics, typology, historical and comparative linguistics, and sociolinguistics. It covers a wide range of topics, from grammatical sketches of individual languages to sociocultural and extralinguistic issues.
Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; List of maps, figures, and tables; The contributors; 1 Gerrit J. Dimmendaal and Rainer Vossen: Introduction; Part I: Domains of Grammar; 2 Michael J. Kenstowicz: Phonology and phonetics; 3 David Odden: Tone; 4 Klaus Beyer: Morphology; 5 Jochen Zeller: Syntax; Part II: Language Comparison; 6 Rainer Vossen: African language types; 7 Mena Lafkioui: Dialectology and linguistic geography; 8 Ludwig Gerhardt: Reflections on the history of African language classification; Part III: Language Phyla and Families; 9 Jeff Good: Niger-Congo, with a special focus on Benue-Congo; 10 Friederike Lupke: Atlantic; 11 Henning Schreiber: Mande; 12 Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu: Kwa; 13 Gudrun Miehe: Gur; 14 Lutz Marten: Bantu and Bantoid; 15 Ulrich Kleinewillinghofer: Adamawa; 16 Helma Pasch: Ubangi; 17 Nicolas Quint: Kordofanian; 18 Victor Porkhomovsky: Afro-Asiatic overview; 19 Balazs J. Irsay-Nagy: Egyptian; 20 Maarten Kossmann: Berber; 21 Mauro Tosco: East Cushitic; 22 Martine Vanhove: North Cushitic; 23 Zelealem Leyew: Central Cushitic; 24 Roland Kiessling: South Cushitic; 25 Bernhard Kohler: Omotic; 26 Bernard Caron: Chadic; 27 Victor Porkhomovsky: Ethio-Semitic; 28 Gerrit J. Dimmendaal: Nilo-Saharan and its limits; 29 Norbert Cyffer: Saharan; 30 Gerrit J. Dimmendaal and Angelika Jakobi: Eastern Sudanic; 31 Pascal Boyeldieu: Central Sudanic; 32 Henry Honken: Khoisan; 33 Gerrit J. Dimmendaal: Linguistic isolates; Part IV: Languages Structures: Case Studies; 34 Tucker G. Childs: Bom-Kim; 35 Valentin Vydrin: Dan; 36 Coffi Sambieni: Biali; 37 Rose-Juliet Anyanwu: Yukuben; 38 Yuko Abe: Bende; 39 Ulrich Kleinewillinghofer: Waja; 40 Helma Pasch: Zande; 41 Catherine Taine-Cheikh: Zenaga; 42 Kazuhiro Kawachi: Sidaama; 43 Zelealem Leyew: Kolisi; 44 Maarten Mous: Iraqw; 45 Zygmunt Frajzyngier: Wandala; 46 Osamu Hieda: Kumam; 47 Gerrit J. Dimmendaal: Baale; 48 Lameen Souag: Songhay languages; 49 Rainer Vossen: Cara; 50 Henry Honken: ǁ?X’egwi; 51 Helen Eaton: Sandawe; Part V: Language, Cognition, and Culture; 52 Christa Kilian-Hatz: Ideophones; 53 Doris L. Payne: Colour term systems: Genetic vs areal distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa; 54 Ulrike Zoch: Experiencer constructions; 55 Karsten Legere: Language and ethnobotany; 56 Patricia Friedrich: Distinctive languages; 57 Maren Rusch: Conversation analysis; 58 Axel Fleisch: Cognition and language; Part VI: Language and Society; 59 Andrij Rovenchak and Solomija Buk: Indigenous African scripts; 60 Kembo Sure: Language policy and politics; 61 Ingse Skattum: Language and education; 62 James Essegbey: Language endangerment, documentation, and revitalization; 63 Ellen Hurst: Language birth: youth/town language; 64 Klaus Beyer: Language contact; 65 Maarten Mous: Mixed languages: The case of Ma’a/Mbugu; 66 Andrea Hollington: African languages in the Diaspora; 67 Gabriele Sommer: Pidgin and creole languages; 68 Victoria A.S. Nyst: Sign languages; 69 Jonathan Owens: Arabic in Africa; 70 Elke Karan and David Roberts: Orthography standardization; 71 Thomas Bearth: Pragmatics and communication; 72 Kristin Vold Lexander: African languages in information and communication technology; Part VII: Language and History; 73 David L. Schoenbrun: Words, things, and meaning: Linguistics as a tool for historical reconstruction; 74 Koen Bostoen: Language and archaeology; Part VIII: Language and Orature; 75 Wilhelm J.G. Mohlig: Narratives; 76 Sebastian K. Bemile: Proverbs; 77 Clarissa Vierke: Poetry; Language index; Author index; Subject index
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