Scale-Sensitive Governance of the Environment



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The editors use the concept of scales to create a conceptual and methodological basis for scale-sensitive governance of the environment. They bring together and reframe a variety of disciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches by explicitly addressing scale. The book presents new visions, methods and innovative applications of thinking and decision making across scales in space and time. It analyzes how scales are constructed and strategically used in policy discourses and searches for scale-sensitive governance approaches to intervene in socio-ecological systems. It also presents views on solving problems emerging from incomplete understanding, and provides insightful applications in case studies across the world. Specific research themes have been selected to show the benefits of recognizing scales in empirical research and how this can enrich policy practices. The opportunity to disseminate successful insights on scale-sensitive environmental governance will attract interest around the world and sets the agenda for future research. Brief TOC: Part I: Introduction; 1. Scale-sensitive governance, 2. Overview of the scale debates in and across different disciplines over the last 40 years, 3. Scaling for sustainable change of socio-ecological systems, 4. Scaling and governance, 5. Institutional design for sustainable development at different scales; Part II: Assessing scales in relation to governance, 6. Ecosystem services and scale in the UK, 7. Panarchy in Val di Ledro landscape, 8. The interplay of governance levels in local/ global energy systems, 9. Semantic content of land cover data in social-ecological systems, case study in Albania, 10. Tracing drivers of environmental change across levels: Methodological challenges and possibilities; Part III: Scaling practices in relation to governance, 11. The politics of scale at a global level, 12. Manipulating with scales to gain power in water management in South African regions, 13. Scaling up and down natural resource management and the politics of scale Rescaled environmental governance: exploring the case of watersheds in Canada, 14. Urban sustainability pilot projects: misfit between challenge and solution or potential for replication and scaling?; Part IV: Using scale in policy and design, 15. Scaling and networking in sustainability governance: the case of palm oil, 16. Governing Cross-Boundary Flows of Food: A Case Study of the Nepali Tea Value Chain, 17. Fiscal transfers for reconciling local costs and national benefits of biodiversity conservation; the case of the Portugese communal financing law, 18. Regional economics and land use dynamics across scales; an economic approach applied to rural policy in Europe, 19. Designing with scale; Part IV: Integration, synthesis and future directions.
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