This new text presents heuristic inquiry as a unique phenomenological, experiential, and relational approach to qualitative research that is also rigorous and evidence-based. The author describes a distinguishing perspective of this research that treats participants not as subjects of research, but rather as co-researchers and partners in an exploratory process marked by genuineness and intersubjectivity.
Preface \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Author \\ Chapter 1: What Is Heuristic Inquiry, Anyway? \\ A Brief Recent History \\ The Purpose of Heuristic Inquiry \\ Essential Feature \\ • Exercise 1.1. Sensing Into and Expressing a Rough Understanding of Heuristic Inquiry \\ Processes and Phases \\ Limitations of Heuristic Inquiry \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 2: Locating Heuristic Inquiry Within Contemporary Qualitative Research \\ Relationship to Phenomenology \\ Bricolaging with Similar Qualitative Approaches \\ Grounded Theory \\ Essential and Distinguishing Features \\ Bricolaging Grounded Theory With Heuristic Inquiry \\ Narrative Research \\ Essential and Distinguishing Features \\ Bricolaging Narrative Research With Heuristic Inquiry \\ Feminist Research \\ Essential and Distinguishing Features \\ Bricolaging Feminist Research With Heuristic Inquiry \\ Closing Reflections \\ • Exercise 2.1. Exploring the Labyrinth \\ Chapter 3: Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Heuristic Inquiry \\ Why Do We Learn About Theory? \\ Heuristic Inquiry as an Empirical Process \\ • Exercise 3.1. Exploring the Subjectivity8Objectivity Continuum \\ Heuristic Inquiry as Qualitative Research \\ Heuristic Inquiry as Social Constructivism \\ Ontological Assumptions \\ Epistemological Assumptions \\ Axiological Assumptions \\ Methodological Assumptions \\ Rhetorical Assumptions \\ Heuristic Inquiry as “Phenomenologically Aligned” \\ Philosophers Whose Work Inspired Heuristic Inquiry \\ Edmund Husserl \\ Martin Buber \\ Carl Rogers \\ Abraham Maslow \\ Michael Polanyi \\ Eugene Gendlin \\ Maurice Merleau-Ponty \\ Closing Reflections \\ • Exercise 3.2. Exploring Other Ways of Being and of Knowing \\ Chapter 4: Heuristic Processes and Phases \\ The Seven Processes of Heuristic Inquiry \\ Identifying With the Focus of Inquiry \\ • Exercise 4.1. An Empty Chair Experiment to Facilitate Identifying With the Focus of Inquiry \\ Self-Dialogue \\ Tacit Knowing \\ Intuition \\ Indwelling \\ Focusing \\ The Internal Frame of Reference \\ • Exercise 4.2. Six-Step Focusing Exercise to Clear an Inner Space \\ The Six Phases of Heuristic Inquiry \\ Initial Engagement \\ Immersion \\ Incubation \\ Illumination \\ Explication \\ Creative Synthesis \\ The Heuristic Phases in Action \\ Maintaining a Heuristic Attitude During the Research Journey \\ • Exercise 4.3. Needs Self-Assessment Exercise \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 5: Heuristic Research Design \\ Becoming Aware of a Topic and Formulating the Research Question(s) \\ Conducting the Literature Review \\ Timing Your Literature Review \\ Reviewing the Literature \\ Preparing for the Study \\ Writing a Heuristic-Friendly IRB Proposal \\ Creating a Set of Guidelines for the Study \\ Creating Generic Content and Forms \\ Selecting, Inviting, and Securing Co-Researchers \\ General Sampling Considerations \\ Sample Size \\ Building Rapport and Trust \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 6: Heuristic Data Collection, Organization, and Analysis \\ Data Collection \\ Interviews \\ Preparing for the Interviews \\ Embodied Relational Interviewing \\ Disruptions in Flow \\ Time and Structure Considerations \\ Where and How \\ Researcher and Co-Researcher Artifacts \\ Researcher Journals \\ Winding Down Data Collection \\ Data Organization and Management \\ Immersion8Incubation8Reflexivity \\ Creating Verbatim Transcripts \\ Data Analysis: Theme Illumination and Identification \\ Following Clear Procedures \\ Honoring Content and Context \\ Deciphering Potential Themes \\ Organizing Themes According to Research Questions \\ Maintaining Discipline \\ Data Analysis: Theme Explication \\ Individual Depictions \\ Composite Depictions \\ Exemplary Portraits \\ Creative Synthesis \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 7: Relationality, Reflexivity, and Meaning-Making \\ Relationality \\ Shared Experiential Learning \\ Connecting, Disconnecting, and Reconnecting \\ Empathy, Resonance, and Intersubjectivity \\ Honoring Difference and Conflict \\ Negotiating Power and Privilege \\ Advancing Empowerment, Agency, and Social Justice \\ Reflexivity \\ Approaching Reflexivity Holistically \\ Evaluating Values, Beliefs, Biases, and Attitudes \\ • Exercise 7.1. Exploring Our Own and Others’ Values \\ Locating Oneself Within the Research Process \\ Demystifying the Role of the Researcher \\ Using the Journal as a Reflexive Tool \\ Meaning-Making \\ • Exercise 7.2. Exploring a Personal Dilemma Using the Reflexive Journal \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 8: Evaluating the Research: A Collaborative Process \\ A Primer on Heuristic Evaluation \\ Defining Rigor and Trustworthiness/Goodness \\ Evaluation Criteria \\ Credibility \\ Transferability \\ Dependability \\ Confirmability \\ Evaluation Strategies \\ Evaluating the Integrity of Your Heuristic Study \\ Heuristic Evaluation as a Shared Experience \\ The Importance of Reflexive Leadership in Evaluation \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 9: Writing a Living Manuscript: An Embodied Relational Approach \\ Components of a Heuristic Manuscript \\ Title \\ Abstract \\ Keywords \\ Introduction and Clear Articulation of Topic and Research Questions \\ Theoretical Framework \\ Rationale for the Study \\ Comprehensive but Concise Literature Review \\ Method \\ Co-Researchers \\ Materials and Procedure \\ Data Collection and Analysis \\ Findings \\ Discussion \\ Limitations \\ Conclusions and Future Directions \\ Embodied Relational Writing: Balancing Rigor With Intriguing Writing Style \\ • Exercise 9.1. Experimenting With Embodied Relational Writing \\ Promoting Social Justice, Action, and Transformation \\ Writing a Publishable Heuristic Manuscript \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 10: Ethics of Heuristic Research \\ Understanding Ethics \\ Core Ethical Principles and Codes \\ Facets of a Heuristic Study That May Prompt Ethical Concerns \\ Informed Consent \\ Research Methodology and Design \\ Relational Boundaries With Co-Researchers \\ Transparency \\ Researcher Competence \\ Addressing Emergent Ethical Dilemmas \\ Consulting Discipline-Related Ethical Codes \\ Using an Ethical Decision-Making Model \\ Engaging Researcher Reflexivity \\ • Exercise 10.1. Exploring and Addressing Emergent Ethical Dilemmas in Heuristic Research \\ The Perils of Researching Sensitive Topics: Maintaining Researcher Well-Being \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 11: Universal Applications of Heuristic Inquiry: Bridging Research and Living Experience \\ Using Heuristic Inquiry Formally in Various Disciplines \\ Education \\ Political Science and Government \\ Health Care \\ Conflict Transformation \\ Counseling and Psychotherapy \\ Engaging Heuristic Inquiry Informally \\ Closing Reflections \\ Chapter 12: An Ending8Beginning \\ Appendices \\ Appendix A: Sample Cover/Invitation Letter \\ Appendix B: Sample Demographic Information Form \\ Appendix C: Sample Informed Consent Form \\ Appendix D: Sample Instructions for Interview Meeting \\ Appendix E: Sample Semi-Structured Interview Protocol \\ Appendix F: Sample Semi-Structured Interview Protocol With Examples \\ Appendix G: Preparing for and Recording Interviews (Sample) \\ Appendix H: Open-Ended Relational Probing and Prompting \\ Glossary \\ References \\ Index
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