In Applied Psychology in Talent Management, world-renowned authors Wayne F. Cascio and Herman Aguinis provide the most comprehensive, future-oriented overview of psychological theories and how those theories impact people decisions in today’s ever-changing workplace. Taking a rigorous, evidence-based approach, the new Eighth Edition includes more than 1,000 new citations from more than 20 top-tier journal articles. The authors emphasize the latest developments in the field—all in the context of historical perspectives. Integrated coverage of technology, strategy, globalization, and social responsibility throughout the text provides students with a holistic view of the field and equips them with the practical tools to create productive, enjoyable work environments.
Preface to the 8th Edition \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Authors \\ Chapter 1: Organizations, Work, and Applied Psychology \\ The Pervasiveness of Organizations \\ Differences in Jobs \\ Differences in Performance \\ A Utopian Ideal \\ Point of View \\ Personnel Psychology and Talent Management in Perspective \\ Globalization of Product and Service Markets \\ Impact on Jobs and the Psychological Contract \\ Effects of Technology on Organizations and People \\ Changes in the Structure and Design of Organizations \\ Changing Roles of Managers and Workers \\ Changing Demographics \\ Implications for Organizations and Their People \\ Plan of the Book \\ Chapter 2: The Law and Talent Management \\ The U.S. Legal System \\ Legal Systems Outside the United States \\ Unfair Discrimination: What Is It? \\ Legal Framework for Civil Rights Requirements \\ The U.S. Constitution—Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments \\ Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1871 \\ Equal Pay for Equal Work Regardless of Sex \\ Equal Pay Act of 1963 \\ Equal Pay for Jobs of Comparable Worth \\ Equal Employment Opportunity: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 \\ Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or National Origin \\ Retaliation, and Employment Advertising \\ Suspension of Government Contracts and Back-Pay Awards \\ Exemptions to Title VII Coverage \\ Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (as Amended in 1986) \\ Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 \\ Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (as Amended in 2008) \\ Provisions of the ADA \\ Enforcement of the ADA \\ Civil Rights Act of 1991 \\ Monetary Damages and Jury Trials \\ Adverse Impact (Unintentional Discrimination) Cases \\ Protection in Foreign Countries \\ Racial Harassment \\ Challenges to Consent Decrees \\ Mixed-Motive Cases \\ Seniority Systems \\ Race Norming \\ Extension to U.S. Senate and Appointed Officials \\ Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 \\ Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 \\ Enforcement of the Laws—Regulatory Agencies \\ State Fair Employment Practices Agencies \\ Equal Employment Opportunity Commission \\ The Complaint Process \\ Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs \\ Goals and Timetables \\ Employment Case Law—General Principles \\ Testing \\ Personal History \\ Sex Discrimination \\ Preventive Actions by Employers \\ Age Discrimination \\ “English Only” Rules—National Origin Discrimination? \\ Seniority \\ Preferential Selection \\ Chapter 3: People, Decisions, and the Systems Approach \\ Costs and Consequences of Decisions—A Way of Thinking \\ Organizations as Systems \\ A Systems View of the Staffing Process \\ Optimizing Staffing Investments \\ Optimizing Staffing Outcomes \\ A Systems View of the Broader Employment Process \\ Work Analysis \\ Strategic Workforce Planning \\ Recruitment \\ Initial Screening \\ Selection \\ Training and Development \\ Performance Management \\ Organizational Exit \\ Chapter 4: Criteria: Definitions, Measures, and Evaluation \\ Definition \\ Job Performance as a Criterion \\ Dimensionality of Criteria \\ Static Dimensionality \\ Dynamic or Temporal Dimensionality \\ Individual Dimensionality \\ Challenges in Criterion Development \\ Challenge #1: Job Performance (Un)Reliability \\ Challenge #2: Reliability of Job Performance Observation \\ Challenge #3: Dimensionality of Job Performance \\ Performance and Situational Characteristics \\ Environmental and Organizational Characteristics \\ Environmental Safety \\ Lifespace Variables \\ Job and Location \\ Extraindividual Differences and Sales Performance \\ Leadership \\ Steps in Criterion Development \\ Evaluating Criteria \\ Relevance \\ Sensitivity or Discriminability \\ Practicality \\ Criterion Deficiency \\ Criterion Contamination \\ Bias Due to Knowledge of Predictor Information \\ Bias Due to Group Membership \\ Bias in Ratings \\ Composite Criterion Versus Multiple Criteria \\ Composite Criterion \\ Multiple Criteria \\ Differing Assumptions \\ Resolving the Dilemma \\ Research Design and Criterion Theory \\ Distribution of Performance and Star Performers \\ Chapter 5: Performance Appraisal and Management \\ Purposes Served \\ Realities and Challenges of Performance Management Systems \\ Fundamental Requirements of Successful Performance Management Systems \\ Benefits of State-of-the-Science Performance Management Systems \\ Who Shall Rate? \\ Immediate Supervisor \\ Peers \\ Subordinates \\ Self \\ Clients Served \\ Appraising Performance: Individual Versus Group Tasks \\ Putting It All Together: 360-Degree Systems \\ Agreement and Equivalence of Ratings Across Sources \\ Judgmental Biases in Rating \\ Leniency and Severity \\ Central Tendency \\ Halo \\ Types of Performance Measures \\ Objective Measures \\ Subjective Measures \\ Rating Systems: Relative and Absolute \\ Relative Rating Systems (Employee Comparisons) \\ Rank Ordering \\ Paired Comparisons \\ Forced Distribution \\ Absolute Rating Systems \\ Essays \\ Behavioral Checklists \\ Forced-Choice System \\ Critical Incidents \\ Graphic Rating Scales \\ Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales \\ Summary Comments on Rating Formats and Rating Process \\ Factors Affecting Subjective Appraisals \\ Evaluating the Performance of Teams \\ Rater Training \\ The Social, Emotional, and Interpersonal Context of Performance Management Systems \\ Performance Feedback: Appraisal and Goal-Setting Interviews \\ Communicate Frequently \\ Get Training in Appraisal \\ Judge Your Own Performance First \\ Encourage Subordinate Preparation \\ Use “Priming” Information \\ Warm Up and Encourage Participation \\ Judge Performance, Not Personality or Self-Concept \\ Be Specific \\ Be an Active Listener \\ Avoid Destructive Criticism and Threats to the Employee’s Ego \\ Set Mutually Agreeable and Formal Goals \\ Continue to Communicate and Assess Progress Toward Goals Regularly \\ Make Organizational Rewards Contingent on Performance \\ Chapter 6: Measuring and Interpreting Individual Differences \\ What Is Measurement? \\ Scales of Measurement \\ Nominal Scales \\ Ordinal Scales \\ Interval Scales \\ Ratio Scales \\ Scales Used in Applied Psychological Measurement \\ Selecting and Creating the Right Measure \\ Steps for Selecting and Creating Measures \\ Determining a Measure’s Purpose \\ Defining the Attribute \\ Developing a Measure Plan \\ Writing Items \\ Conducting a Pilot Study and Traditional Item Analysis \\ Conducting an Item Analysis Using Item Response Theory \\ Selecting Items \\ Determining Reliability and Gathering Evidence for Validity \\ Revising and Updating Items \\ Selecting an Appropriate Measure: Test-Classification Methods \\ Content \\ Administration \\ Standardized and Nonstandardized Tests \\ Scoring \\ Further Considerations in Selecting a Test \\ Reliability as Consistency \\ Estimation of Reliability \\ Test—Retest \\ Parallel (or Alternate) Forms \\ Internal Consistency \\ Kuder-Richardson Reliability Estimates \\ Split-Half Reliability Estimates \\ Stability and Equivalence \\ Interrater Reliability \\ Summary \\ Interpretation of Reliability \\ Range of Individual Differences \\ Difficulty of the Measurement Procedure \\ Size and Representativeness of Sample \\ Standard Error of Measurement \\ Scale Coarseness \\ Generalizability Theory \\ Interpreting the Results of Measurement Procedures \\ Looking to the Future: Anticipated Innovations in Applied Psychological Measurement \\ Chapter 7: Validation and Use of Individual-Differences Measures \\ Relationship Between Reliability and Validity \\ Evidence of Validity \\ Content-Related Evidence \\ Criterion-Related Evidence \\ Predictive Studies \\ Concurrent Studies \\ Requirements of Criterion Measures in Predictive and Concurrent Studies \\ Factors Affecting the Size of Obtained Validity Coefficients \\ Range Enhancement \\ Range Restriction \\ Position in the Employment Process \\ Form of the Predictor–Criterion Relationship \\ Retesting \\ Construct-Related Evidence \\ Construct Validation Process \\ An Illustration of Construct Validation \\ Cross-Validation \\ Empirical Cross-Validation \\ Statistical Cross-Validation \\ Comparison of Empirical and Statistical Strategies \\ Gathering Validity Evidence When Local Validation Is Not Feasible \\ Synthetic Validity \\ Test Transportability \\ Validity Generalization \\ How to Conduct a VG Study \\ Refinements to VG Techniques \\ Challenges in Conducting a VG Study \\ Empirical Bayesian Analysis \\ Application of Alternative Validation Strategies: Illustration \\ Chapter 8: Fairness in Employment Decisions \\ Assessing Differential Validity \\ Differential Validity and Adverse Impact \\ Differential Validity: The Evidence \\ Assessing Differential Prediction and Moderator Variables \\ Differential Prediction: The Evidence \\ Problems in Testing for Differential Prediction \\ Using Meta-Analysis to Assess Differential Prediction \\ Suggestions for Improving the Accuracy of Slope-Based Differential Prediction Assessment \\ Further Considerations Regarding Adverse Impact, Differential Validity, and Differential Prediction \\ Minimizing Adverse Impact Through Test-Score Banding \\ Fairness and the Interpersonal Context of Employment Testing \\ Fair Employment and Public Policy \\ Chapter 9: Analyzing Jobs and Work \\ Definition, Professional Standards \\ Terminology \\ Aligning Method With Purpose \\ Choices \\ Defining the Job \\ Job Specifications \\ Reliability and Validity of Work Analysis Information \\ Obtaining Information About Jobs and Work \\ Direct Observation and Job Performance \\ Interview \\ SME Panels \\ Questionnaires \\ The Position Analysis Questionnaire \\ Fleishman Job Analysis Survey \\ Critical Incidents \\ Other Sources of Job Information and Job Analysis Methods \\ The Job Analysis Wizard \\ Incorporating Personality Dimensions Into Job Analysis \\ Strategic or Future-Oriented Work Analyses \\ Competency Models \\ Work Analysis for Star Performers \\ Cognitive Task Analysis \\ Occupational Information—From the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to O*NET® \\ Multiple Windows \\ Common Language \\ Taxonomies and Hierarchies of Occupational Descriptors \\ The O*NET® Content Model \\ Chapter 10: Strategic Workforce Planning \\ What Is Strategic Workforce Planning? \\ Strategic Business and Workforce Plans \\ Levels of Planning \\ The Strategic Planning Process \\ An Alternative Approach \\ Payoffs From Strategic Planning \\ Relationship of HR Strategy to Business Strategy \\ Talent Inventory \\ Information Type \\ Uses \\ Forecasts of Workforce Supply and Demand \\ External Workforce Supply \\ Internal Workforce Supply \\ From Predictable to Unpredictable Supplies of Labor \\ Leadership-Succession Planning \\ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Succession \\ Workforce Demand \\ Pivotal Jobs \\ Assessing Future Workforce Demand \\ How Accurate Must Demand Forecasts Be? \\ Integrating Supply and Demand Forecasts \\ Matching Forecast Results to Action Plans \\ Control and Evaluation \\ Sampling and Measuring Performance \\ Identifying an Appropriate Strategy for Evaluation \\ Responsibility for Workforce Planning \\ Chapter 11: Recruitment \\ Recruitment Planning \\ Internal Recruitment \\ External Recruitment \\ Staffing Requirements and Cost Analyses \\ Source Analysis \\ Operations \\ External Sources for Recruiting Applicants \\ Managing Recruiting Operations \\ Measurement, Evaluation, and Control \\ Job Search From the Applicant’s Perspective \\ Realistic Job Previews \\ Chapter 12: Selection Methods \\ Personal History Data \\ Weighted Application Blanks \\ Biographical Information Blanks \\ Résumés \\ Credit History \\ Response Distortion in Personal History Data \\ Validity of Personal History Data \\ Bias and Adverse Impact \\ What Do Biodata Mean? \\ Recommendations and Reference Checks \\ Polygraph Tests \\ Honesty Tests \\ Evaluation of Training and Experience \\ Drug Screening \\ Computer-Based Screening \\ Employment Interviews \\ Response Distortion in the Interview \\ Reliability and Validity \\ Factors Affecting the Decision-Making Process \\ Social/Interpersonal Factors \\ Cognitive Factors \\ Individual Differences \\ Effects of Structure \\ Summary of Evidence-Based Suggestions for Improving the Interview Process and Outcome \\ The Future Is Now: Technology and Big Data \\ Social Media \\ Mobile and Web-Based Selection \\ Computer Scoring of Text \\ Remote Interviewing \\ Virtual Reality Technology \\ Chapter 13: Managerial Selection Methods \\ Criteria of Managerial Success \\ Global Criterion Measures \\ The Importance of Context \\ Instruments of Prediction \\ Cognitive Ability Tests \\ Controversial Issues in the Use of Cognitive Ability Tests \\ A Recommendation to Address the Controversy \\ Objective Personality Inventories \\ Why and When Does Personality Predict Performance? \\ Response Distortion in Personality Inventories \\ Strategies to Mitigate Response Distortion \\ Leadership Ability Tests \\ Motivation to Manage \\ Personal History Data \\ Peer Assessment \\ Work Samples of Managerial Performance \\ Leaderless Group Discussion \\ Reliability \\ Validity \\ Effects of Training and Experience \\ The In-Basket Test \\ The Business Game \\ Situational Judgment Tests \\ Assessment Centers \\ Assessment Center: The Beginnings \\ Level and Purpose of Assessment \\ Duration and Size \\ Assessors and Their Training \\ Performance Feedback \\ Reliability of the Assessment Process \\ Validity \\ Fairness and Adverse Impact \\ Assessment Center Utility \\ Potential Problems \\ Combining Predictors \\ Chapter 14: Decision Making for Selection \\ Personnel Selection in Perspective \\ Classical Approach to Personnel Selection \\ Efficiency of Linear Models in Job-Success Prediction \\ Unit Weighting \\ Suppressor Variables \\ Data-Combination Strategies \\ Types of Strategies \\ Effectiveness of Alternative Data-Combination Strategies \\ The Role of Subjective Judgment \\ Alternative Prediction Models \\ Multiple-Regression Approach \\ Multiple-Cutoff Approach \\ Setting a Cutoff \\ Angoff Method \\ Expectancy Charts \\ Multiple-Hurdle Approach \\ Extending the Classical Validity Approach to Selection Decisions: Decision-Theory Approach \\ The Selection Ratio \\ The Base Rate \\ Utility Considerations \\ Evaluation of the Decision-Theory Approach \\ Understanding Outcomes of Selection Decisions: Utility Analysis \\ The Naylor–Shine Model \\ The Brogden–Cronbach–Gleser Model \\ Further Developments of the Brogden–Cronbach–Gleser Model \\ Alternative Methods of Estimating SDy \\ Integration of Selection Utility With Capital-Budgeting Models \\ Application of the Brogden–Cronbach–Gleser Model and the Need to Scrutinize Utility Estimates \\ Top Scorers May Turn Down the Offer \\ There Is a Discrepancy Between Expected and Actual Performance Scores \\ Economic Factors Affect Utility Estimates \\ Top Management May Not Believe the Results \\ Utility and Usefulness \\ The Strategic Context of Personnel Selection Decisions \\ Chapter 15: Training and Development: Considerations in Design \\ Factors Driving the Increasing Demand for Workplace Training \\ Training and Development Activities: What Are They? \\ Training Design \\ Characteristics of Effective Training \\ Additional Determinants of Effective Training \\ Fundamental Requirements of Sound Training Practice \\ Defining What Is to Be Learned \\ Interactions of Training and Development With Other Systems \\ Assessing Training Needs \\ Organization Analysis \\ Demographic Analysis \\ Operations Analysis \\ Individual Analysis \\ Rapid Prototyping \\ Specifying Training Objectives \\ Creating an Optimal Environment for Training and Learning \\ Team Training \\ Learning and Individual Differences \\ Trainability and Individual Differences \\ Principles That Enhance Learning \\ Goal Setting \\ Behavior Modeling \\ Meaningfulness of the Material \\ Practice \\ Active Practice \\ Overlearning \\ Length of the Practice Session \\ Feedback \\ Transfer of Training \\ Chapter 16: Training and Development: Implementation and the Measurement of Outcomes \\ Categories of Training and Development Methods \\ Presentation Methods \\ Hands-On Methods \\ Group-Building Methods \\ Technology-Based Training \\ Technique Selection \\ Measuring Training and Development Outcomes \\ Why Measure Training Outcomes? \\ Essential Elements of Measuring Training Outcomes \\ Criteria \\ Time \\ Types of Criteria \\ Levels of Criteria \\ Additional Considerations in Measuring Training Outcomes \\ Strategies for Measuring Training Outcomes in Terms of Financial Impact \\ An Illustration of Utility Analysis \\ Why Not Hold All Training Programs Accountable Strictly in Economic Terms? \\ Influencing Managerial Decisions With Program-Evaluation Data \\ Classical Experimental Designs \\ Design A \\ Design B \\ Design C \\ Design D \\ Limitations of Experimental Designs \\ Quasi-Experimental Designs \\ Design E \\ Design F \\ Design G \\ Design H \\ Statistical, Practical, and Theoretical Significance \\ Logical Analysis \\ Chapter 17: International Dimensions of Talent Management \\ Capitalism in the 21st Century \\ Globalization and Culture \\ Vertical and Horizontal Individualism and Collectivism \\ Country-Level Cultural Differences \\ Theoretical and Methodological Developments in the Study of Culture \\ The Globalization of Psychological Measurement \\ Transporting Psychological Measures Across Cultures \\ Terminology \\ Identification of Potential for International Management and Cultural Competence \\ Selection for International Assignments \\ General Mental Ability \\ Personality Characteristics and Expatriate Success \\ Other Characteristics Related to Success in International Assignments \\ Cross-Cultural Training \\ Performance Management \\ Performance Criteria \\ Who Should Assess Expatriate Performance? \\ Performance Feedback \\ Repatriation \\ Planning \\ Career Management \\ Compensation \\ Chapter 18: Organizational Responsibility and Ethical Issues in Talent Management \\ Organizational Responsibility: Definition and General Framework \\ Organizational Responsibility: Benefits \\ Organizational Responsibility: Implementation and the Role of Human Resource Management Research and Practice \\ Employee Privacy \\ Safeguarding Employee Privacy \\ Fair Information Practice in the Information Age \\ Employee Searches and Other Workplace Investigations \\ Testing and Evaluation \\ Obligations to One’s Profession \\ Obligations to Those Who Are Evaluated \\ Obligations to Employers \\ Individual Differences Serving as Antecedents of Ethical Behavior \\ Ethical Issues in Organizational Research \\ Ethical Issues at the Research-Planning Stage \\ Ethical Issues in Recruiting and Selecting Research Participants \\ Ethical Issues in Conducting Research: Protecting Research Participants’ Rights \\ Ethical Issues in Reporting Research Results \\ Strategies for Addressing Ethical Issues in Organizational Research \\ Science, Advocacy, and Values in Organizational Research \\ Appendix A: Scientific and Legal Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures— Checklists for Compliance \\ Scientific Guidelines—Summary Checklist \\ Premise \\ Sources of Validity Evidence \\ Planning the Validation Effort and Analysis of Work \\ Criterion-Related Evidence of Validity \\ Feasibility \\ Criterion Development \\ Choice of Predictors \\ Choice of Participants \\ Data Analysis for Criterion-Related Validity \\ Evidence for Validity Based on Content \\ Evidence of Validity Based on Internal Structure \\ Generalizing Validity Evidence \\ Fairness and Bias \\ Operational Considerations \\ Initiating a Validation Effort \\ Selecting Assessment Procedures for the Validation Effort \\ Selecting the Validation Strategy \\ Selecting Criterion Measures \\ Data Collection \\ Data Analyses \\ Communicating the Effectiveness of Selection Procedures \\ Appropriate Use of Selection Procedures \\ Technical Validation Report \\ Administration Guide \\ Other Circumstances Regarding the Validation Effort and Use of Selection Procedures \\ Legal Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures \\ 1. Adverse Impact \\ A. Records Relating to Adverse Impact \\ B. Special Record-Keeping Provisions \\ C. Four-Fifths Rule \\ D. Adverse Impact When User Meets Four-Fifths Rule \\ E. Qualifying Circumstances Relating to Adverse Impact \\ 2. Validation \\ A. General Information Regarding Valid
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