Mediation Theory and Practice, Third Edition introduces you to the process of mediation by using practical examples that show you how to better manage conflicts and resolve disputes. Authors Suzanne McCorkle and Melanie J. Reese help you to understand the research and theory that underlie mediation, as well as provide you with the foundational skills a mediator must possess in any context, including issue identification, setting the agenda for negotiation, problem solving, settlement, and closure.
List of Cases, Views, and Role-Play Scenarios \\ Preface \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Authors \\ Chapter 1: Introduction to Mediation \\ Why Mediation? \\ Benefits for the Disputants \\ Benefits for the Mediator \\ How Do People Find Their Way to Mediation? \\ Family Mediation \\ Community Mediation \\ Victim–Offender Mediation \\ School-Based Peer Mediation \\ Organizational Mediation \\ Government and Court-Annexed Mediation \\ Power, Rights, and Interests \\ Resolving through Power \\ Resolving through Rights \\ Resolving through Interests \\ The Dispute Resolution Continuum \\ Litigation \\ Arbitration \\ Med-Arb \\ Mediation \\ Informal Conflict Management \\ A Disclaimer about Mediation Training \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 1.1: Starting Your Mediator Portfolio \\ Portfolio Assignment 1.2: Personal Reflections \\ Chapter 2: The Basic Components of Mediation \\ Philosophical Assumptions \\ Facilitative Approach \\ Transformative Approach \\ Evaluative Approach \\ Comparing the Three Approaches \\ Functional Models \\ Integrating Philosophies \\ Variables That Make a Difference in Mediation Models \\ Premediation or No Premediation \\ Allow Uninterrupted Disputant First Statements or Control When and How Long Each Person Speaks \\ Allow, Require, or Forbid Private Meetings between the Mediator and the Parties \\ Require an Agenda before Negotiating, Negotiate as You Go, or Slide Back and Forth between Issue Identification and Negotiation \\ Consider the Parts of the Mediation as Functional Phases or as Chronological Steps \\ Focus on the Problem, Focus on the Emotions, or Balance Problems and Emotions \\ Prescribe Automatic First Moves within Phases or Allow Mediator Choice \\ Allowing or Prohibiting Parties to Speak to Each Other \\ Writing and Signing or Not Signing Agreements \\ Phases in the Balanced Mediation Model \\ Premediation \\ Mediation Session \\ Postmediation \\ Does Culture Matter in Mediation? \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 2.1: Personal Reflections on Mediation Philosophy \\ Portfolio Assignment 2.2: Personal Reflections on Culture \\ Chapter 3: Essential Skills for Mediators \\ An Overview of Mediator Skills \\ Trusting and Controlling the Process \\ Trusting the Process \\ Controlling the Process \\ Listening: A Bedrock Skill for Mediators \\ Types of Listening \\ Variables That Affect Listening \\ Skills for Listening to Content, Emotion, and Relationship \\ Reframing Messages \\ Listening to Nonverbal Communication \\ Clarifying and Asking Questions \\ Open versus Closed Questions \\ Genuinely Curious Questions \\ Honoring Silence \\ Listening Interculturally \\ Ethical Issues and Listening \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 3.1: Emotional Paraphrases \\ Portfolio Assignment 3.2: The Open-Ended Question \\ Chapter 4: Premediation Activities \\ Contacting Disputants \\ Goals to Accomplish During Intake \\ Education Role \\ Information-Gathering Role \\ Assessment Role \\ Setting the Stage \\ Time and Timing \\ Place \\ Environment \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 4.1: The Referral Sourcebook \\ Portfolio Assignment 4.2: Intake and Agreement to Mediate Forms \\ Chapter 5: Ethical Considerations and Tactical Preparations \\ Mediator Roles \\ Ethical Considerations in the Mediation Community \\ Ethical Considerations for Mediators \\ Neutrality and Impartiality \\ Reality Testing \\ Competence \\ Dual-Role Relationships \\ Truthfulness \\ Informed Choice \\ Conclusions about Mediator Ethics \\ Disputant Roles \\ Analyzing Stakeholders \\ The Mediation Plan \\ Common Causes of Conflict \\ Conflict Causes and Mediator Moves \\ Cultural Awareness \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 5.1: Ethical Codes of Conduct \\ Portfolio Assignment 5.2: Mediator Supplies \\ Portfolio Assignment 5.3: Personal Reflections That Deepen Cultural Awareness \\ Chapter 6: The Mediator’s Opening Statement \\ Managing Arrivals and Seating \\ Opening Statement Functions \\ Opening Statement Styles \\ Monologue Style \\ Interactive Style \\ Opening Statement Dynamics \\ Length \\ Order \\ Key Components of the Opening Statement \\ Welcoming \\ Introductions \\ Building Credibility \\ Establishing Stakeholders \\ Explaining the Nature and Scope of Mediation \\ Explaining the Mediator’s Role \\ Explaining the Caucus \\ Explaining Impartiality and Neutrality \\ Giving a Confidentiality Statement \\ Disclosing Notetaking Purposes \\ Establishing Ground Rules \\ Discuss Facilities \\ Discovering Time Constraints \\ Explaining the Role of Outside Experts \\ Securing the Commitment to Begin \\ Transitioning to Storytelling \\ Building Credibility and Rapport \\ The Relationship between Opening Statements and Mediator Control \\ Notetaking for Mediators \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 6.1: Creating Your Personal Opening Statement \\ Portfolio Assignment 6.2: Creating Your Personal Notetaking Form \\ Chapter 7: Storytelling and Issue Identification \\ Theories of Storytelling \\ Symbolic Interaction \\ Attribution Theory \\ Emotional Intelligence \\ Functions of Storytelling \\ The Individual \\ The Mediator \\ Mediator Strategies in Storytelling \\ One Storyteller at a Time \\ Co-Constructing Stories \\ General Inquiry Questions \\ Whole Picture Questions \\ The Naïve Detective \\ Specific Inquiry Questions \\ Establishing Agreed-Upon “Facts” \\ Weighing the Importance of Disagreements \\ Perspective Taking \\ Humor \\ Recognizing Turning Points \\ Overcoming Common Pitfalls during Storytelling \\ Pitfall 1: Unchecked Power Differences \\ Pitfall 2: Allowing Blaming and Attacking \\ Pitfall 3: Acting on Overstatements or Generalizations \\ Pitfall 4: Taking Sides \\ Pitfall 5: Permitting Interrupting and Bickering \\ Pitfall 6: Mismanaging Emotional Outbursts \\ Pitfall 7: Letting One Party Monopolize Time or Control the Process \\ Pitfall 8: Being Overwhelmed with Evidence \\ Conflict Causes and Mediator Moves \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 7.1: The Vision Quest \\ Portfolio Assignment 7.2: Reframes \\ Portfolio Assignment 7.3: Personal Reflection \\ Chapter 8: Setting the Agenda for Negotiation \\ Mediator’s Notes Are the Building Blocks of the Agenda \\ When to Shift to the Agenda Step \\ Components of the Agenda \\ The Commonality Statement \\ The Agenda List \\ Sequencing the Agenda List \\ Who Decides the Order of the Agenda? \\ Considerations When Choosing the Agenda Sequence \\ Adding an Issue for Continuing Relationships \\ Alternate Methods of Creating the Agenda \\ Framing the Agenda Neutrally and Mutually \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 8.1: Methods of Ordering the Agenda \\ Portfolio Assignment 8.2: Transitioning to the Agenda \\ Chapter 9: Problem Solving and Negotiation \\ The Two Worlds of Negotiation \\ Directiveness vs. Intrusiveness \\ Mediator Techniques to Foster Disputant Problem Solving \\ Starting the Negotiation \\ Techniques for Cooperative Negotiation \\ Techniques for Traditional Negotiation \\ Using the Caucus to Respond to Common Problems \\ Not Bargaining in Good Faith \\ Hidden Agendas \\ Reality Check \\ Lying or Withholding Information \\ Shuttle \\ Breaking Deadlocks \\ Analyze the Impasse \\ Techniques to Break through Impasse \\ Face-Saving \\ Ending the Negotiation Phase \\ Mediator Ethics and the Negotiation Phase \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 9.1: Questions to Start Negotiation \\ Portfolio Assignment 9.2: Going into Caucus \\ Portfolio Assignment 9.3: Personal Reflections on Face \\ Chapter 10: Settlement and Closure \\ Why Write Agreements? \\ Is the Agreement Legally Binding or Legally Nonbinding? \\ A Format for Writing Mediation Agreements \\ Choosing the Phrasing of the Agreement \\ Agreements Use Direct Language \\ Agreements Are Clear \\ Agreements Generally Are Positive \\ Agreements Are Impartial \\ Agreements Are Concrete \\ Agreements Arise from the Parties’ Words \\ Creating Durable Agreements \\ Contingency Agreements \\ Future Communication Clauses \\ Reality Testing \\ Partial Agreements \\ Final Reading and Signing \\ Closing a Nonagreement Mediation \\ Debriefing the Session \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 10.1: Memorandum of Agreement Form \\ Chapter 11: The World of the Mediator \\ Variations on Basic Mediation \\ Co-Mediation \\ Panels \\ Extended Premediation \\ Mediation and the Internet \\ Mediation as a Profession \\ Employment Opportunities for Mediators \\ Cross-Training and Life Skills \\ Standards of Professional Conduct \\ Professional Mediator Competencies \\ Mediation Skills in Everyday Life \\ Summary \\ Chapter Resources \\ Portfolio Assignment 11.1: My Current Skill Level \\ Appendix A: Practice Cases \\ Appendix B: Mediator Skills Checklist \\ Glossary \\ References \\ Index
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