Get 12 months FREE access to an interactive eBook when purchasing the paperback* Author Terri A. Scandura uses an evidence-based approach to introduce students to new models proven to enhance the well-being, motivation, and productivity of people in the work place. The book is built around an organising framework designed to help students understand individual behaviour and learn how to influence and motivate others, build relationships and lead change. New case studies including on topics such as virtual teams, equal pay and the gender wage gap and the use of apps at work introduce timely and relevant discussions to help foster student engagement are included with the interactive eBook . The new 2nd edition includes: A new Emotions and moods chapter that delves into topics like emotional intelligence, emotional contagion and affective neuroscience A new Power and Politics chapter that unpacks the most effective influence strategies and helps students develop their political skills A streamlined table of contents now combines perception and decision making in a single chapter and change and stress in a single chapter Rigorously updated with the latest research to include expanded coverage of Machiavellian leadership, ethical decision making and organisational design though change Best Practice in Research in Action boxes as well as Toolkit Activities and Self-Assessments have been added to make the text even ore hands on and practical. The book is supported by online resources, including a coursepack for instructors consisting of assessment tools, assignable SAGE Premium video, sample course syllabi and lecture notes. Whilst for students, there is a study site that includes eFlashcards, chapter summaries, video resources and access to SAGE journal content. Suitable reading for students on Organizational Behavior modules. *Interactivity only available through Vitalsource eBook included as part of paperback product (ISBN 9781544331294). Access not guaranteed on second-hand copies (as access code may have previously been redeemed).
Section I: Introduction \\ Chapter 1. What is Organizational Behavior? \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ A Crisis of Leadership? \\ What is Organizational Behavior? \\ Evidence-Based Management \\ What is Critical Thinking? \\ The Scientific Method \\ Outcome Variables in Organizational Behavior \\ Levels of Analysis in Organizational Behavior \\ How OB Research Increases Employee Performance \\ Theory X and Theory Y \\ Plan for This Textbook \\ Leadership Implications: Thinking Critically \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 1.1: Personal Leadership Development Plan \\ Case Study 1.1: Organizational Science in The Real World \\ Self-Assessment 1.1: Are You Theory X Or Theory Y? \\ Self-Assessment 1.2: Assessing Your Experiential Evidence Base \\ Section II: Understanding Individuals in Organizations \\ Chapter 2: Personality and Person-Environment Fit \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ The Right Stuff at the Wrong Time? \\ What is Personality? \\ Myer-Briggs Type Indicator \\ “The Big Five” \\ Personality Traits and Health Research \\ Other Relevant Personality Traits \\ Psychological Capital \\ Core-Self Evaluations \\ Person-Environment Fit \\ Leadership Implications: Understanding Others \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 2.1: Fitting In Somewhere Great! \\ Case Study 2.1: Who Would You Hire? \\ Self-Assessment 2.1: The Big Five Personality Test \\ Self-Assessment 2.2: Type A Behavior Pattern \\ Self-Assessment 2.3: Core Self-Evaluations Assessment \\ Chapter 3: Emotions and Moods \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Does Lack of Sleep Make You Grumpy? \\ Emotions and Moods at Work \\ Affective Events Theory: An Organizing Framework \\ Affective Climate \\ Moods \\ Emotional Labor \\ Emotional Intelligence \\ Emotional Contagion \\ Affective Neuroscience \\ Leadership Implications: Mindful Coaching \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 3.1: The Five-Minute Gratitude Exercise \\ Case Study 3.1: Managing Your Boss’s Moods And Emotions \\ Self-Assessment 3.1: Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) \\ Chapter 4: Attitudes and Job Satisfaction \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Job Satisfaction: An Upward Trend \\ What is an Attitude? \\ Do Attitudes Matter? \\ Job Satisfaction \\ Job Search Attitudes \\ Organizational Comment \\ Perceived Organizational Support \\ Psychological Empowerment \\ Leadership Implications: Creating Meaning at Work \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 4.1: What Do Workers Want From Their Jobs? \\ Case Study 4.1: A Crisis In Nursing \\ Self-Assessment 4.1: How Much Career Adapt-Ability Do You Have? \\ Self-Assessment 4.2: Do You Experience Empowerment? \\ Chapter 5: Perception, Decision Making, and Problem-Solving \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Would You Be Happier If You Were Richer? \\ Understanding Why People Don’t See Eye to Eye \\ Individual Decision Making \\ The Rational Decision-Making Model \\ Prospect Theory \\ Intuition \\ Decision Traps \\ Creative Problem Solving \\ Leadership Implications: Making Ethical Decisions \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 5.1: Understanding The Pygmalion Effect \\ Case Study 5.1: Do You Have To Spend Money To Make Money? \\ Self-Assessment 5.1: Employability – Perceptions Of Prospective Employers \\ Self-Assessment 5.2: How Would You Rate Your Creativity? \\ Section III: Influencing and Motivating Employees \\ Chapter 6: Leadership \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Have Leaders Lost Their Followers’ Trust? \\ What is Leadership? \\ Trait Approaches \\ Leader Behaviors \\ Path-Goal Theory \\ Leader-Member Exchange \\ The Importance of Trust \\ Full-Range Leadership Development \\ Moral Approaches \\ Critiques of Leadership Theory \\ Leadership Implications: Flexibility Matters \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 6.1: Applying The Full-Range Model Of Leadership \\ Toolkit Activity 6.2: Comparing Supervisor Leader-Member Exchange (SLMX) \\ Case Study 6.1: Which Boss Would You Rather Work For? \\ Self-Assessment 6.1: Mentoring Functions Questionnaire (MFQ-9) \\ Self-Assessment 6.2: How Trustful Are You? \\ Chapter 7: Power and Politics \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ What is it Like to Have Power? \\ Power and Influence \\ Bases of Power \\ Organizational Sources of Power \\ Influence Strategies \\ Impression Management \\ Managing Impressions with Body Language \\ Perceptions of Organizational Politics \\ Political Skill \\ Leadership Implications: Managing with Power \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 7.1: Politics Or Citizenship? \\ Toolkit Activity 7.2: What Would You Do? \\ Case Study 7.1: Can You Succeed Without Power? \\ Self-Assessment 7.1: Your Impression Management Strategies \\ Self-Assessment 7.2: What’s Your Level Of Political Acumen? \\ Chapter 8: Motivation: Core Concepts \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Do You Have Grit? \\ What is Motivation? \\ Need Theories \\ Goal Setting \\ The Importance of Fairness \\ Organizational Justice: Expanding the Concept of Fairness \\ Expectancy Theory \\ The Pygmalion Effect \\ Leadership Implications: Who Will Lead? \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 8.1: Future Me Letter \\ Toolkit Activity 8.2: Smart Goals Template \\ Toolkit Activity 8.3: Understanding The Pygmalion Effect \\ Case Study 8.1: Building Motivation \\ Self-Assessment 8.1: How Much Perseverance Do You Have? \\ Chapter 9: Motivation: Applications \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ The Meaning of Money \\ Reinforcement Theory \\ Social Learning Theory \\ Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Rewards \\ What Money Can and Cannot Do \\ Performance Management \\ Problems with Performance Reviews \\ Feedback Seeking \\ Leadership Implications: Motivating with Rewards \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 9.1: Performance Appraisal Do’s And Don’ts \\ Toolkit Activity 9.2: Performance Management Role-Play \\ Case Study 9.1: Pay Inequity At Goodyear Tire And Rubber \\ Self-Assessment 9.1: Work Values Checklist \\ Section IV: Building Relationships \\ Chapter 10: Group Processes and Teams \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Does Trust Impact Team Performance? \\ What is a Team? \\ Team Purpose \\ Team Development \\ Team Effectiveness \\ Cohesion \\ Team Decision-Making \\ Team Challenges \\ Team Diversity \\ Leadership Implications: Empowering the Team \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 10.1: The Team Charter \\ Toolkit Activity 10.2: The Marshmallow Challenge \\ Toolkit Activity 10.3: How To Run An Effective Meeting (Checklist) \\ Case Study 10.1: Problem Solving In Virtual Teams \\ Self-Assessment 10.1: Teamwork Orientation \\ Self-Assessment 10.2: Team Leadership Inventory (TLI) \\ Chapter 11: Managing Conflict and Negotiation \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ The Costs of Workplace Conflict \\ What is Conflict? \\ Conflict Resolution Styles \\ Team Conflict and Performance \\ Resolving Conflict Across Cultures \\ Third-Party Interventions \\ Negotiation \\ Leadership Implications: Perspective Taking \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 11.1: Checklist For Difficult Conversations \\ Toolkit Activity 11.2: Salary Negotiation \\ Toolkit Activity 11.3: Negotiation Style Assessment \\ Case Study 11.1: Captain Owen Honors \\ Self-Assessment 11.1: Conflict Resolution Styles \\ Chapter 12: Organizational Communication \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ “Thin Slicing” A Conversation \\ What is Organizational Communication? \\ Barriers to Effective Communication \\ Communication Networks \\ Electronic Communication \\ Cross-Cultural Communication \\ Nonverbal Communication \\ Silence \\ Leadership Implications: The Management of Meaning \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 12.1: Active Listening Exercise \\ Case Study 12.1: What’s App-Ening? \\ Self-Assessment 12.1: Quality Of Communication Experience \\ Chapter 13: Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adjustments \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Diversity: A Key Workforce Trend \\ Generations at the Workplace \\ What is Culture? \\ Globe Studies of Cross-Cultural Leadership \\ Developing Global Leaders \\ Culture Shock \\ Expatriate Adjustment \\ Leadership Implications: Becoming a Global Leader \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 13.1: Generations At Work \\ Toolkit Activity 13.2: Journey To Shrahad \\ Case Study 13.1: Managing Diversity At Ibm Netherlands \\ Case Study 13.2: “A Person Needs Face Like A Tree Needs Bark” \\ Self-Assessment 13.1: What Is Your Cultural Intelligence? \\ Self-Assessment 13.2: Do You Have A Global Mindset? \\ Section V: Leaders as Change Agents \\ Chapter 14: Organizational Culture \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Culture Change at Verizon: Can You Hear Me Now? \\ What is Organizational Culture? \\ Markets, Bureaucrats, and Clans \\ National Culture and Organizational Culture \\ Strong Organizational Cultures \\ Socialization \\ How Employees Learn Culture \\ Organizational Climate \\ Leadership Implications: Culture Change \\ Key Terms \\ Toolkit Activity 14.1: Comparing Organizational Cultures: IDEO and AmazonCASE STUDY 14.1: Changing Corporate Culture: The Case of B-MED \\ Self-Assessment 14.1: Comparing Service Climates \\ Chapter 15: Leading Change and Stress Management \\ Chapter Learning Objectives \\ Ing’s Agile Transformation \\ Forces Driving Organizational Change \\ Planned Organizational Change \\ Resistance to Change \\ Leading Change \\ Stress in the Context of Organizational Change \\ What is Stress? \\ Coping \\ Preventive Stress Management in Organizations \\ Leadership Implications: Helping Employees Cope \\ Toolkit Activity 15.1: Appreciative Inquiry \\ Toolkit Activity 15.2: Warning Signs Of Burnout \\ Toolkit Activity 15.3: Stressful Life Events \\ Case Study 15.1: We Have To Change: Alighting Innovation In The Utility Industry \\ Case Study 15.2: The Price Of Entrepreneurship \\ Self-Assessment 15.1: Leading Through Change Assessment \\ Self-Assessment 15.2: Perceived Stress Scale
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