This practical introductory text presents the comprehensive field of public relations as it is today and as it will be tomorrow, exploring how public relations can play an active role in the betterment of society.
Preface \\ Acknowledgments \\ About the Authors \\ SECTION 1: UNDERSTANDING PUBLIC RELATIONS \\ UNIT 1: Public Relations’ Role and Function in Society \\ CHAPTER 1: Strategic Public Relations: A Constantly Evolving Discipline \\ Learning Objectives \\ The Image of Public Relations in Popular Culture \\ Defining Public Relations: What’s in a Name? \\ Defining Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Communications: Doing Well by Doing Good, or Is It More Complex? \\ Growth of Public Relations Into a Global Industry \\ Roles and Functions for Public Relations Pros \\ Career Paths for Public Relations Professionals: Which Way Is Right for You? \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Allstate Purple Purse: Raising Awareness and Funds for Victims \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: The Nature Conservancy: Connecting City Water Supplies With Nature \\ CHAPTER 2: The History of Modern Public Relations: From Barnum to Lee, Bernays to Page, and Other Public Relations Pioneers \\ Learning Objectives \\ A History of Public Relations in the Modern Era \\ Growth of the Public Relations Agency \\ Origins, Definitions, and Driving Forces of Corporate Social Responsibility \\ The Future of Public Relations \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Edward Bernays and Light’s Golden Jubilee \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Johnson & Johnson’s Tylenol Crisis \\ CHAPTER 3: Ethics and Law in Public Relations \\ Learning Objectives \\ Ethics in Public Relations \\ Stay Informed, Be Vigilant, Develop Personal Ethics \\ How Does Law Affect Public Relations? \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Coca-Cola’s Fight Against Obesity \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Burson-Marsteller’s “Whisper Campaign” \\ CHAPTER 4: Foundations of Public Relations: Research and Theory \\ Learning Objectives \\ How to Begin \\ Primary Research Methods \\ The Big Ideas Behind Public Relations Strategies \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Allstate Reality Rides® Combats Distractions With a Virtual Driving Simulator \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: The Monster-Free Mouths Movement: AAPD Makes a Big Deal About the Importance of Little Teeth \\ CHAPTER 5: Implementing Your Strategic Communications Plan \\ Learning Objectives \\ Foundations of Strategic Planning in Strategic Public Relations \\ Objectives \\ Programming \\ Evaluation, Ongoing Research, and Stewardship \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: TuDinero con TD: Empowering the U.S. Hispanic Community Through Financial Education \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Be the Match: Inspiring the African American Community to Step Up and Save Lives \\ SECTION 2: PRACTICING PUBLIC RELATIONS IN A SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE WORLD \\ UNIT 2: Public Relations Tactics \\ CHAPTER 6: Public Relations Writing: Persuasive and Audience Focused \\ Learning Objectives \\ For a Public Relations Career, You Had Better Become a Good Writer \\ Public Relations Writing Strategy and Style \\ Generating Content: Public Relations Writing Essentials \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Whirlpool: Care CountsTM \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: How Can Video Storytelling Support Social Responsibility Efforts \\ CHAPTER 7: Media Relations in a Digital World \\ Learning Objectives \\ The State of the News Media Today \\ Communications Theory and Media Relations \\ Measuring News Coverage \\ Global Media Relations Trends and Tactics \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Deepwater Wind: Launching America’s First Offshore Wind Farm \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: World Wildlife Fund’s Campaign to Stop Wildlife Crime \\ CHAPTER 8: Social Media and Emerging Technologies \\ Learning Objectives \\ Social Media \\ The Value and Strategies of Social Media \\ A Showcase of Public Relations Practices With Social Networks \\ Evaluating Social Media and Looking to the Future \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: M&M’S Red Nose Day Raises Money for Children Living in Poverty \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Giving Tuesday: The Day the World Gave Back \\ UNIT THREE: General Practice Areas \\ CHAPTER 9: Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Relations \\ Learning Objectives \\ Social Responsibility and the Essential Role of Public Relations \\ Successful Corporate Social Responsibility Flows From Business Culture and Builds Reputation \\ Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: Opportunities and Challenges \\ Community Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Comcast Cares Day Engages Employees, Their Families, Friends, and Community \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Dollywood Foundation Launches “My People Fund” Relief Effort \\ CHAPTER 10: Employee Relations, Corporate Culture, and Social Responsibility \\ Learning Objectives \\ Employee Relations and Healthy Organizations \\ Public Relations and Employee Engagement \\ Communication Challenges and Opportunities \\ Employee Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: IBM’s Corporate Service Corps Develops the Leaders of the Future \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Gives Back to Vermont \\ CHAPTER 11: Corporate Communication and Reputation Management \\ Learning Objectives \\ The Modern Corporation—Meeting the Challenge \\ Core Competencies of Corporate Communications \\ Corporate Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility \\ Financial Communications, Media Relations, and Investor Relationships \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Hertz Hits the Road—Being a Good Neighbor in Florida \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Snap Inc— From Dad’s Garage to a $33 Billion Initial Public Offering \\ CHAPTER 12: Issues Management and Crisis Communication \\ Learning Objectives \\ Issues Management \\ Crisis Communications \\ Prepare for and Manage a Crisis \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Hertz Moves Its Corporate Headquarters \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Under Armour and the Sochi Winter Olympics: Protecting the Brand Against Unfair Criticism \\ UNIT 4: Specialty Practice Areas \\ CHAPTER 13: Sports, Tourism, and Entertainment \\ Learning Objectives \\ Opportunities and Challenges of Sports Public Relations \\ Tourism—More Than Sightseeing \\ Entertainment Public Relations—Publicity and Much More \\ Entertainment Public Relations and Social Causes \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: #askMPLS Provides Virtual Concierges During Major League Baseball All-Star Week \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Stronger Than the Storm—Ribbon Cutting Marks Recovery From Superstorm Sandy \\ CHAPTER 14: Nonprofit, Health, Education, and Grassroots Organizations \\ Learning Objectives \\ Nonprofits: Size, Impact, and Opportunity for Public Relations Practitioners \\ Health Communication \\ Public Relations Support of Educational Institutions \\ Public Relations in Grassroots Organizations \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: GlobalGiving: Crowdfunding Gives to People and Companies Around the World \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Two Bostonians Campaign to Stop the Olympics From Coming to Their Hometown \\ CHAPTER 15: Public Affairs, Government Relations, and Political Communications \\ Learning Objectives \\ Public Affairs, Government Relations, and Political Communications \\ Government Relations and Lobbying \\ Political Communication: Applying Public Relations Strategy to Campaigns and Elections \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: CCPHA Serves Up the Bitter Truth About Sugary Drinks \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: The First Ladies Health Initiative: Walgreens Supports HIV/AIDS Screenings in Urban Churches \\ CHAPTER 16: International Public Relations and Public Diplomacy \\ Learning Objectives \\ An Overview of Global Communications \\ Global Public Relations in Different Settings \\ Public Diplomacy, Strategic Public Relations, and Social Responsibility \\ Scenario Outcome \\ Wrap Up \\ Key Terms \\ Think About It \\ Write Like a Pro \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: Dell Women’s Entrepreneurial Network Creates Opportunities for Women \\ Social Responsibility Case Study: “Blue Corridor” Natural Gas Vehicle Rally \\ Glossary \\ References \\ Index
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