Engaging book presenting a broad array of case examples helpful to group workers at all levels of social work education. Integrates social justice perspectives and covers all aspects of group practice in a social work setting.
Preface \\ Acknowledgements \\ About the Authors \\ SECTION I. HISTORICAL AND CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO GROUP WORK AND SOCIAL JUSTICE \\ 1. What Is a Socially Just Approach to Group Work? \\ Defining Social Justice \\ Social Justice Practice Principles \\ Purpose and Goals \\ Member Relevance and Social Identities \\ Norms and Socially Just Participation \\ Conflict \\ Group Leadership \\ Group Development and Process \\ Practice Dimensions \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 2 History of Group Work \\ The Emergence of Group Work: 1861 to 1927 \\ Clarification of the Method: 1928 to 1946 \\ The Diffusion of Practice: 1947 to 1963 \\ The Move to the Concept of a Generic Method: 1964 to 1979 \\ The Revitalization of Group Work: 1979 to 2000 \\ Recommitment to Social Justice, Empirical Practice, and New Approaches: 2003 to Present \\ Critique of Existing Practice Theories \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 3 Knowledge for Practice \\ Structures \\ Processes \\ Cohesiveness \\ Group Culture \\ Discussion Questions \\ 4 Models of Group Work and Relationship to Social Justice \\ Social Goals \\ Cognitive-Behavioral Group Work \\ Task Centered \\ Self-Directed \\ Feminist \\ Narrative \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 5 Group Purposes \\ Purpose and Social Justice \\ A Typology of Purposes \\ A Typology of Group Purposes \\ Social Justice Issues Related to Purposes \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 6 Values and Ethics \\ Solidarity \\ Tolerance \\ Inclusion \\ Transformative Trust \\ Cultural Humility \\ Empowerment \\ Shared Leadership \\ Additional Ethical Issues in Group Work Practice \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 7 Roles, Tasks, and Critical Consciousness \\ Roles, Norms, and Statuses \\ Group Tasks and Functions \\ Agreements (AKA Ground Rules) \\ Power \\ Conflict \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 8 Leadership \\ Leadership and Purpose \\ Social Justice Leadership Processes \\ Social Justice and Leadership Skills \\ Social Justice Visioning \\ Knowledge and Skills \\ Critical Analysis \\ Safety Monitoring During Conflict \\ Praxis \\ Leadership and Power \\ Leadership and Following \\ Leadership and Co-facilitation \\ Discussion Questions \\ SECTION II. DOING GROUP WORK FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE \\ 9 Group Processes and Development \\ Stages Usually Referred to in Group Work Literature \\ Problems in Application of the Concepts of Phases and Stages \\ Events That Affect Group Development \\ Social Justice and Group Development \\ The Role of the Practitioner in Group Development \\ Further Strategies for Enhancement of Group Development \\ Resources That Enhance Development \\ Strengthening Awareness of Social Justice/Injustice \\ Variations in Group Developmental Processes Related to Group Types and Purposes \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 10 Assessment \\ What Is Assessment? \\ Role of Assessment in a Social Justice Model \\ Problems With Psychiatric Nomenclature \\ Compatibility With Strengths-Based Perspective \\ Sources of Qualitative Information for Assessment \\ Sources of Quantitative Data in Assessment \\ Measures of Group Processes \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 11 Preparation for the Group Meeting \\ Group Purpose \\ Environmental Issues in Planning for a Group \\ Role of the Agency in the Pregroup Phase \\ Compositional Issues \\ Pregroup Meetings With Members/Preparing Members for Groups \\ Preparing the Setting \\ Tuning In \\ Type of Group \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 12 Group Beginnings: Formation \\ Implications for Social Justice \\ Handling Offensive Behaviors and Taboo Subjects \\ Group Tasks in Initial Phase \\ Dealing With Other Miscellaneous Transition Nuances \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 13 Approaches to Achieving Different Purposes \\ A Typology of Group Purposes \\ Social Justice Issues Related to Purposes \\ Group Programs and Processes That Help Members Attain the Purposes \\ Skill Attainment \\ Resistance to Social Control \\ Rehabilitation \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 14 Activities \\ Use of an Analytic Framework \\ Use of Spontaneous Events \\ Activities Involving Music \\ Activities Involving Art \\ Activities Involving Games \\ Activities Involving Drama \\ Activities for Various Types of Issues \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 15 Task Groups \\ Social Justice in Task Groups \\ Similarities and Differences Between Individual Change and Task Groups \\ Pregroup Tasks \\ Group Formation Tasks \\ Goal Pursuit Tasks \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 16 Environmental Change \\ Rationale for Environmental Change \\ Selection of Environmental Targets \\ Choosing the Organizational Level \\ Strategies for Environmental Change \\ Environmental Change Activities in Which Members as Individuals May Engage \\ Environmental Change Activities for Either a Member or the Whole Group \\ Environmental Change Activities for the Group \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 17 Termination and Endings \\ Meaning of Endings \\ Social Justice Issues in Endings \\ Worker Tasks \\ Evaluation \\ Understand and Cope With Feelings \\ Maintain Changes \\ Utilize Skills in Variety of Circumstances \\ Utilize New Services \\ Reduce Cohesion \\ Ceremonies \\ Special Termination Issues \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ 18 Evaluation \\ Measurements/Instruments \\ Analysis of Data \\ Dissemination of Data \\ Social Justice and Evaluation \\ Evaluation of Individual Change of Members \\ Evaluation of Changes in Group Conditions \\ Summary \\ Discussion Questions \\ Index
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