This pioneering account, published in 1857–1858, was a foundational text in the study of African history and ethnography. Barth set out to ’represent the tribes and nations … in their historical and ethnographical relation to the rest of mankind’. Cited by Darwin, it is still regarded as an important source.
53. Departure for Timbúktu. The hilly north-western provinces of Bórnu; 54. The mountainous territory of Múniyó and its governor; 55. Departure from Zinder. The border region between the Bórnu and Fulfúlde Empires. Second stay in Kátsena; 56. Journey from Kátsena to Sókoto; 57. Residence in Wurno; 58. State of insecurity along the most frequented highroad. Gando; 59. The province of Kebbi and its river. The valley of Fógha. Reach the Niger; 60. The hilly country of Gurma; 61. Province of Libtáko. South-eastern limit of the range of the commerce of Timbúktu; 62. Unsettled provinces obstructed by nature, and infested by man. A’ribínda. Hómbori; 63. Imóshagh or Tawárek encampments south of the Niger. Lakes and backwaters of the Great River; 64. The network of creeks, backwaters, and lakes belonging to the Niger. Sarayámo. Navigation to Kábaba; 65. Arrival at Kábara. Entrance into Timbúktu; 66. General observations on the history of Songhay and Timbúktu; 67. First month of residence in Timbúktu; 68. First residence in the desert. Political combinations. Great Mosque. Ground plan of the town; 69. Political state of the country. Dangerous crisis; Appendix.
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