This annual report explores in depth the key issues facing Higher Education institutions in the twenty-first century including perspectives from the five continents, with special emphasis on the theme of the social commitment of universities. It includes papers from eminent scholars, a Delphi poll from over 70 key experts/practitioners on the subject under discussion, and extensive supporting statistics and analytical maps. Its publication coincides with the annual International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education.
INTRODUCTION - Foreword; President of GUNI; \"J.Ferrer Llop\" - Acknowledgements - Responsibilities, Challenges, Opportunities and Governance: Re-thinking the University for the 21st Century; \"H.van Ginkel\" - Nobel Laureates Views on Higher Education; \"W.Arber, J.Saramago, V.L.Smith\" & \"W.Soyinka\" - Map 1: Higher Education Enrolment Ratios and Human Development Index (HDI) - About the Authors - PART I: GLOBAL ISSUES ON HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCING - Financing Higher Education: International Perspectives; \"B.Sanyal\" & \"M.Martin\" - Governance, Accountability and Financing of Universities; \"M.Escotet\" - International Cooperation and Visions on Financing Higher Education; \"A.Maldonado\" - Resource Allocation Mechanisms in Tertiary Education: A Typology and an Assesment; \"J.Salmi\" & \"A.M.Hauptman\" - Higher Education Accessibility and Financial Viability: The Role of Student Loans; \"B.Johnstone\" - Commercial Crossborder Education: Implications for Financing Higher Education; \"J.Knight\" - Private Higher Education: Philanthropy to Profits; \"J.B.G.Tilak\" - Financing Higher Education: The Role of Tuition Fees and Student Support; \"M.Woodhall\" - PART II: REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON HIGHER EDUCATION - Global Tendencies and Perspectives on Higher Education in Today’s World; \"F.López-Segrera, B.Sanyal\" & \"J.Tres\" - Financing Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa; \"D.Teferra\" - Financing Higher Education in Arab States; \"F.Charafeddine\" - Structure and Functions of Financing Asian Higher Education; \"A.Arimoto\" - Regional Perspectives: Europe; \"J.Sadlak\" & \"J.M.de Miguel\" - Financing Higher Education in the United States: Current Issues; \"E.Aponte\" - A Regional Perspective of Higher Education in Latin America with Special Reference to Financing; \"C.García-Guadilla\" - PART III: STAKEHOLDERS’ VIEWS ON FINANCING HIGHER EDUCATION - Delphi Poll of over 70 Eminent Thinkers from 42 countries on Future Trends in Financing Higher Education - STATISTICAL APPENDIX - World Maps on Higher Education on the Social Commitment for Higher Education (Spending) - Statistical Outlook (Charts, Graphs, Statistical Tables) \"A.Usher\" - BIBLIOGRAPHY; \"S.Fernandez Lauro\" - Bibliography on Financing Higher Education - Sources Bibliography 2005 and Websites - Abbreviations - SPECIAL COLLABORATIONS, INCLUDING: - University Best Practices - Conclusions Nobel Day - Barcelona Declaration on Higher Education - Political and Administrative Devolution on Higher Education Financing - MDGs and Higher Education - Accessibility of Indigenous Peoples in the Americas
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