The Oxford Handbook of English Prose 1500-1640 is the only available overview of early modern English prose writing. It considers the range and variety of the substance and types of English prose, and also analyses the forms and styles of writing adopted in the early modern period.
Andrew Hadfield: Introduction; Part 1: Translation, Education, and Literary Criticism; 1 Catherine Nicholson: Englishing Eloquence: Sixteenth-Century Arts of Rhetoric and Poetics; 2 Cathy Shrank: All talk and no action? Early modern political dialogue; 3 Jennifer Richards: Commonplacing and Prose Writing: William Baldwin and Robert Burton; 4 Helen Moore: Romance: Amadis de Gaul and William Barclay’s Argenis; 5 Peter Mack: Montaigne and Florio; 6 Neil Rhodes: Italianate Tales: William Painter and George Peele; 7 Gordon Braden: Classical translation; 8 Alex Samson: Lazarillo de Tormes and the Picaresque in Early Modern England; Part 2: Prose Fiction; 9 Tom Betteridge: William Baldwin’s Beware the Cat and Other Foolish Writing; 10 Gillian Austen: The Adventures Passed by Master George Gascoigne: Experiments in Prose; 11 Katharine Wilson: ’Turne Your Library to a Wardrobe’: John Lyly and Euphuism; 12 Robert Maslen: Robert Greene; 13 Jason Scott-Warren: Thomas Nashe; 14 Gavin Alexander: Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia; 15 Mary Ellen Lamb: Topicality in Mary Wroth’s Countess of Montgomery’s Urania: Prose, Romance, Masque, and Lyric; Part 3: Varieties of Early Modern Prose 1: Public Prose; 16 Robert Appelbaum: Utopia and Utopianism; 17 Claire Preston: English Scientific Prose: Bacon, Browne, Boyle; 18 Nandini Das: Richard Hakluyt and travel writing; 19 Bart Van Es: Raphael Holinshed and historical Writing; 20 Peter Maxwell-Stuart: Astrology, magic, and witchcraft; 21 Anne Lake Prescott and Ian Munro: Jest books; 22 Nicolas McDowell: Political Prose; 23 Dermot Cavanagh: Polemic/Satire; 24 Joad Raymond: News Writing; Part 4: Varieties of Early Modern Prose 2: Private Prose; 25 Alan Stewart: Letters; 26 Adam Smyth: Diaries; 27 Danielle Clark: Life writing; 28 Paul Salzman: Essays; 29 Catherine Richardson: Domestic conduct books; Section 5: Religious Prose; 30 Kevin Killeen: Immethodical, Incoherent, Unadorned: Style and The Early Modern Bible; 31 Tom Freeman and Susannah Monta: The Style of Authorship in John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments; 32 Joseph Black: The Marpelate Controversy; 33 Peter McCullough: Sermons; 34 Daniel Swift: The Book of Common Prayer; Part 6: Major Prose Writers; 35 Henry Woudhuysen: Gabriel Harvey; 36 Rudolph Almasy: Richard Hooker’s Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity; 37 Caroline Erskine: John Knox, George Buchanan, and Scots Prose; 38 Angus Gowland: Robert Burton and The Anatomy of Melancholy; 39 Kevin Killeen: ’When all things shall confesse their ashes’: Science and Soul in Thomas Browne
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