Offering a current and comprehensive analysis of Canadian cinema in its political and cultural contexts, this new edition of Film in Canada introduces students to a cinema that is as diverse as the country itself. Major developments in Canadian filmmaking are explored in depth, from direct cinema and the national-realist films of the 1960s to later avant-garde projects and beyond. With detailed discussions on recent and well-established works by prominent Canadian filmmakers, along with new film commentaries and movie stills, this text is an invaluable resource for film students and film lovers alike
Timeline; Introduction: Not Just Another National Cinema; Blame Hollywood; Screening the Nation; Identifying the Nation; Part 1: Imagining Canada; 1 The National-Realist Tradition; Documenting the Nation; 1964 Revisited: The Sense of a Beginning; The Persistence of Realism; 2 Realism and Its Discontents; Questioning Cinema Truth; Too Real? A Married Couple and Les Ordres; Faking It: The Canadian Mockumentary; 3 Traces: Space, Place, and Identity; ’Vrais films de chez nous’: Post-war Quebec Feature Films; Obliterated Environments: Space in Direct Cinema Fiction Films; A Sense of Placelessness: The Capital Cost Allowance Act and After; 4 The Canadian Fantastic; Paul Almond’s Fantastic Trilogy; Canadian Gothic; Lost and Delirious: The Films of Andre Forcier and Guy Maddin; Part 2: Popular cinema/Art cinema; 5 Are Genres American?; Inflecting American Genres; Deconstructing Genre; Implanted Memories; 6 In Search of the National Popular: Carle and Cronenberg; The Sins of Gilles Carle; The Challenge of David Cronenberg; 7 Two Canadian Auteurs: Arcand and Egoyan; Ups and Downs: Denys Arcand’s History Lessons; Dark Mirrors: Reflections on Atom Egoyan; Postscript; 8 Stupid Films and Smart Films; Boys and Girls: The Quebec Stupid Film; Death and Irony: Canadian Smart Films; Part 3: Redefining Canadian Cinema; 9 Shifting Centres and Margins; The Cinema We Need?; Dirty Movies and Aerial Views: Jack Darcus and William MacGillivray; Jean Pierre Lefebvre and the Quebec Imaginary; 10 Engendering the Nation; Sex in a Cold Climate; Dream Lives: The Rise of Women’s Cinema in Canada; The Real and the Visionary: Lea Pool and Patricia Rozema; Thom Fitzgerald’s Alien Bodies; 11 Possible Worlds: Diasporic Cinema in Canada; Where Is Home? Diasporic Filmmakers in English Canada; Quebec: Metissage and the Politics of Identity; New Worlds/Old Stories; 12 The Real and the Imaginary: Canadian Film and the Postmodern Condition; Staging the Global and the Local: Bruce Sweeney and Robert Lepage; Film in Canada in the Twenty-First century: Congorama and Away from Her; Appendix A: Timeline: Canadian Films; Appendix B: ’Lights, Camera, Action’ Study Questions; Notes; Bibliography; Filmography
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