This book is a guide to bridging the gap between the knowledge generated by scientific research and application of that knowledge to educational practice. With the emphasis on evidence-based practice in the schools growing exponentially, school practitioners must learn how to understand, judge, and make use of the research being produced to full effect. Conversely, researchers must understand what is being used in "real-world" settings, and what is still needed
Introduction: Implementing Evidence-Based Academic Interventions in School Settings, Sylvia Rosenfield and Virginia Berninger; Step I in Implementation: Knowing the Research Literature as a Critical Consumer; 1: Why We Need Evidence-Based Practice in Reading and Where to Find that Evidence, Peggy McCardle and Brett Miller; 2: A Review of Science-Supported Writing Instruction with Implementation in Mind, Stephen R. Hooper, Sean B. Knuth, Donna Carlson Yerby, and Kathleen L. Anderson; 3: Science-Supported Math Instruction for Children with Math Difficulties: Converting a Meta-Analysis to Practice, H. Lee Swanson; 4: Research-Based Oral Language Intervention Routes to the Academic Language of Literacy: Finding the Right Road, Elaine R. Silliman and Cheryl M. Scott; 5: How Research Informs Cultural-Linguistic Differences in the Classroom: The Bi-Dialectal African American Child, Julie A. Washington and Shurita Thomas-Tate; 6: The Prevention Science Perspective: Early Intervention Research on Literacy, Mathematics, and Social Competence, Maureen Hoskyn; Step II in Implementation: Consideration of Concepts and Mechanisms for Translation of Research into Practice; 7: Toward a New Era of Knowledge Use in Education: National Challenges and Opportunities, Jim Kohlmoos and Paul Kimmelman; 8: Consultee-Centered Consultation as a Vehicle for Knowledge Diffusion and Utilization, Steve Knotek, Andrea Sauer-Lee, and Barbara Lowe-Greenlee; 9: Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions in Schools: Issues and Challenges in Social-Emotional Learning and Mental Health Programs, S. Serene Olin, Noa Saka, Maura Crowe, Susan G. Forman, and Kimberly Eaton Hoagwood; 10: From Health/Medical Analogies to Helping Struggling Middle School Readers: Issues in Applying Research to Practice, John Sabatini; Step III in Implementation: Systems Issues in Implementation at State, District, and Local Levels; 11: Statewide Scaling Up of Progress Monitoring Practices, Edward S. Shapiro; 12: Redesigning Teacher Growth and Evaluation in a Large Urban School District, Paul Robb and Hilary Rosenfield; 13: Implementation of Instructional Consultation Teams: An Analysis of School-University Partnership, Deborah Nelson, Kathy Aux, Michael T. Neal, and Todd A. Gravois; 14: Who Can Speak for the Children? Innovations in Implementating Research-Based Practices in School Settings, Alnita Dunn and Douglas Miller; Step IV in Implementation: Teachers Putting Research into Practice; 15: Role of Teacher Practices and Characteristics in Implementing Research in Preschool and Early Childhood Classrooms, E. Todd Brown, Victoria J. Molfese, and Mary C. Wagner; 16: Sharing Research Knowledge with Teachers: The Story of Linguistic Remedies, Barbara Wise, Laura Rogan, and Luann Sessions; 17: Understanding Words and Word Learning: Putting Research on Vocabulary into Classroom Practice, William Nagy; 18: Whole School Literacy: Using Research to Create Programs that Build Universal High Levels of Literate Competence, Carol A. Christensen and Maria Wauchope; Step V in Implementation: Assessing Effectiveness During and After Implementation; 19: A Focus on the Individual: Single-Subject Evaluations of Response to Intervention, Owen R. White; 20: Application of Program Evaluation Tools for Large-Scale Research Implementation, Sam Stringfield; 21: Beyond the Monitoring fo Students’ Progress in Classrooms: The Assessment of Students, Curricula, and Teachers, Stephen T. Peverly; Step VI in Implementation: Professional Development of Teachers and Psychologists to Implement Research into Practice; 22: The Role of Teacher Education Programs in Preparing Teachers for Implementing Evidence-Based Reading Practices, R. Malatesha Joshi, Emily Binks, Marty Hougen, Emily O. Dean, Lori Graham, and Dennie Smith; 23: University-School Partnerships in Urban Classrooms: Professional Development in Applying Reading Research to Practice, Joanna K. Uhry and Nina E. Goodman; 24: Innovation Implementation: Developing Leadership for Evidence-Based Practice, Susan G. Forman; 25: Evaluating Student Response to Implementations of Evidence-Based Interventions, Nicole Alston-Abel, Erin M. Olson, and Kelly Cutler Kirk; Epilogue: Sate of the Science and Art in Implementation of Evidence-Based Academic Interventions, Sylvia Rosenfield and Virginia Berninger
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