¥ 1314
Icarbord Tshabangu / 2017-06-19 / Information Science Publishing
¥ 395
Noel Card / 2017-06-05 / Wiley-Blackwell
¥ 471
Clancy, Joy|| / 2017-05-31 / Routledge
¥ 123
Cara Koscinski Alex Lopiccolo / 2017-05-30 / Sensory World
¥ 876
Rachel Sullivan Robinson / 2017-05-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 148
CHRISTAKIS, ERIKA / 2017-02-07 / Penguin Random House US
¥ 86
Hoffman Kent Cooper Glen Powell Bert / 2017-02-03 
¥ 515
Burns, Ailsa;Scott, Cath;Scott, Catherine / 2017-01-27 / Routledge
¥ 122
Sen, Amartya / 2017-01-19 / Oxford University Press
¥ 102
YEO JENNIFER / 2017-01-17 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 630
Brown, Jacqueline A.; Jimerson, Shane R. / 2017-01-05 / Oxford University Press
¥ 5912
Jon Carlson~Shannon B. Dermer / 2016-12-21 / Sage
¥ 244
Gray Derek / 2016-12-06 / Gatekeeper Press
¥ 515
Hanks, Roma S.;Sussman, Marvin B.;Settles, Barbara H. / 2016-11-24 / Routledge
¥ 1533
Rosie Harding, Ruth Fletcher and Chris Beasley / 2016-11-21 / Routledge
¥ 1149
Kate OLoughlin, Faculty of Health Sciences,Univ. of Sydney.University of New South Wales, Lidcombe, NSW, Australia; Colette Browning, Univ. of New South Wales.Royal District Nursing Service Institute / 2016-11-19 / Springer New York
¥ 350
Klett-Davies, Martina / 2016-11-15 / Routledge
¥ 197
Fisher, Bruce();Alberti, Robert();Satir, Virginia M.() / 2016-11-01 / Impact
¥ 1145
Marga Cabrera / 2016-10-31 / Information Science Publishing
¥ 199
George Kraus / 2016-10-30 / Purdue University Press
¥ 323
Roberts Meghan K. / 2016-10-26 / University of Chicago Press
¥ 350
Everett / 2016-10-17 / Routledge
¥ 253
Heitner, Devorah / 2016-10-13 / Routledge
¥ 243
Horst Leigh Van Der / 2016-10-07 / ReadHowYouWant
¥ 469
Pauline E. Boss~Chalandra Matrice Bryant~Jay A. Mancini / 2016-10-03 / Sage
¥ 102
Sarah Lynn Scheerger / 2016-10-01 / Albert Whitman & Company
¥ 186
Lawrence-Lightfoot Sara / 2016-09-29 / University of Chicago Press
¥ 1533
Debra Costley, Susanna Baldwin, Susan Bruck, Kaaren Haas and Kerry Ritzow / 2016-09-20 / Routledge
¥ 515
Debra Costley, Susanna Baldwin, Susan Bruck, Kaaren Haas and Kerry Ritzow / 2016-09-19 / Routledge
¥ 570
Edited by Gerard Fitzgerald, Michael Tarrant, Peter Aitken and Marie Fredriksen / 2016-09-16 / Routledge
¥ 1916
Gerard Fitzgerald, Michael Tarrant, Peter Aitken and Marie Fredriksen / 2016-09-14 / Routledge
¥ 1424
Kerry Clamp and Craig Paterson / 2016-09-08 / Routledge
¥ 1260
Doka, Kenneth J.(编辑) / 2016-09-01 / Routledge
¥ 515
Demoulin, Stephanie(编辑);Leyens, Jacques-Philippe(编辑);Dovidio, John F.(编辑) / 2016-08-26 / Psychology Press
¥ 1843
Paul Harvey Wallace and Cliff Roberson / 2016-08-04 / Routledge
¥ 1375
Paul Harvey Wallace and Cliff Roberson / 2016-08-04 / Routledge
¥ 570
Settles, Barbara H.;Steinmetz, Suzanne / 2016-08-04 / Routledge
¥ 1424
McCarthy, Barry W.;McCarthy, Emily J. / 2016-07-27 / Routledge
¥ 1424
McCarthy, Barry;McCarthy, Emily J. / 2016-07-26 / Routledge
¥ 1260
Papernow, Patricia L. / 2016-07-04 / Gestalt Press
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