¥ 537
Eikhof Doris Ruth / 2023-11-21 / Routledge
¥ 274
Eikhof Doris Ruth / 2023-11-21 / Routledge
¥ 336
Howard Clive / Baines Jeremy / 2023-11-20 / Mercury Learning and Information
¥ 1946
Jorge Filipe Leal Costa Semião Nelson Manuel Santos Sousa Rui Mariano Sousa da Cruz / 2023-11-20 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 884
Beusch Peter / Jonäll Kristina / Sabelfeld / 2023-11-20 / Walter de Gruyter
¥ 1414
Said Melliani Oscar Castillo Abdelmajid El Hajaji / 2023-11-20 / Springer Nature Switzerland AG
¥ 338
Mykyta Chernenko / 2023-11-19 / Apress
¥ 383
Busche Laura / 2023-11-17 / Routledge
¥ 1314
Busche Laura / 2023-11-17 / Routledge
¥ 1424
Szostak Michal / 2023-11-17 / Routledge
¥ 1852
Sanjay Taneja / 2023-11-17 / Business Science Reference
¥ 1424
Mishra AnubhavVijay Tata Sai / 2023-11-17 / Routledge India
¥ 394
Mishra AnubhavVijay Tata Sai / 2023-11-17 / Routledge India
¥ 751
Perez Mengual Maximilian / 2023-11-16 / Springer Gabler
¥ 1768
Ghislaine Pellat Jovan Zafiroski Marian Suplata / 2023-11-16 / Springer Nature Switzerland AG
¥ 530
Jain Satish Kumar / 2023-11-16 / Springer
¥ 537
Crookes Douglas J. / 2023-11-16 / Routledge
¥ 549
James Abdey / 2023-11-15 / Sage
¥ 329
Abbott George C. / 2023-11-15 / Routledge
¥ 1322
James Abdey / 2023-11-15 / Sage
¥ 306
 / 2023-11-15 / Routledge
¥ 663
Florian Schnitzhofer / 2023-11-15 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 507
Hiromu Nakazawa / 2023-11-15 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 185
McGhee Katrina / 2023-11-15 / Dummies
¥ 1424
Bek-Gaik BoguslawaSurowiec Anna / 2023-11-15 / Routledge
¥ 355
Samira Keivanpour / 2023-11-15 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1314
Karlsson Christer| / 2023-11-15 / Routledge
¥ 1062
Li JianbinCai XueyuanLi Binbin / 2023-11-15 / Springer
¥ 185
Rajan Raghuram / 2023-11-14 / The MIT Press
¥ 285
Le HungDuffy Grace L. / 2023-11-14 / Productivity Press
¥ 1040
Le HungDuffy Grace L. / 2023-11-14 / Productivity Press
¥ 248
Ahmed Bouzid Paolo Narciso Steve Wood / 2023-11-13 / Apress
¥ 196
 / 2023-11-13 / Editions Lannoo SA/ ACC Art Books Ltd.
¥ 263
Patrick Caldwell / 2023-11-12 / Apress
¥ 338
Eric Jager / 2023-11-12 / Apress
¥ 301
Eden White / 2023-11-10 / Business Expert Press
¥ 1614
Jarrow Robert et al. / 2023-11-10 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 301
Greg Githens / 2023-11-10 / Business Expert Press
¥ 1533
 / 2023-11-10 / Routledge
¥ 513
Henderik A. Proper Luise Pufahl Dimka Karastoyanova / 2023-11-10 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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