¥ 1325
Sridhar Komarneni / 1998-02-28 / The American Ceramics Society (ACerS)
¥ 1325
Menashi Cohen / 1998-02-28 / The American Ceramics Society (ACerS)
¥ 1803
Graeme M. Walker / 1998-02-25 / Wiley
¥ 1326
Elmaraghy, H. a.;ElMaraghy, Hoda A. / 1998-02-15 / Springer US
¥ 1115
Ramirez / 1998-02-01 / Butterworth-Heinemann
¥ 3094
Utracki / 1998-01-31 / Springer US
¥ 163
Craig, D. P./ Thirunamachandran, T. / 1998-01-29 
¥ 3175
Uglea / 1998-01-05 / CRC Press
¥ 357
Poirier, Jean-Pierre/ Balinski, Rebecca (TRN) / 1998-01-01 
¥ 581
Jo Perez / 1998-01-01 / CRC Press
¥ 3762
Norman / 1997-12-31 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 884
Dyson / 1997-12-15 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 1326
Jones / 1997-12-15 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 884
Ram, Arie;Ram, A. / 1997-12-15 / Springer US
¥ 884
Eggert;Lee, Yung-Cheng;Chen, William T. / 1997-12-15 / Springer US
¥ 3529
Michael Ash / 1997-12-08 / Wiley-VCH
¥ 1927
Lohse / 1997-11-30 / Springer US
¥ 5427
Hiroo Tominaga / 1997-11-21 / Wiley
¥ 2033
Pritchard / 1997-11-15 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 2957
Os, Van() / 1997-11-12 / CRC Press
¥ 2532
K.L. Mittal / 1997-11-06 / CRC Press
¥ 1768
Hostettmann / 1997-11-04 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 656
Earnshaw / 1997-11-01 / Butterworth-Heinemann
¥ 2620
Ward / 1997-10-31 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 2652
Blackley / 1997-10-31 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 1768
Haward / 1997-10-15 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 2518
Louise Aust / 1997-10-06 / CRC Press
¥ 1791
W. E. Schiesser / 1997-10-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 627
W. E. Schiesser / 1997-10-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 3094
Blackley / 1997-09-30 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 4653
Mark A. Prelas, Galina Popovici and Louis K. Bigelow / 1997-09-23 / CRC Press
¥ 1255
Andreone, Carl F.;Yokell, Stanley(Joint Author) / 1997-09-19 
¥ 1768
Blackley / 1997-09-15 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 1096
B. Tomas Astrom / 1997-09-13 / CRC Press
¥ 2957
Showell, Michael() / 1997-09-03 / CRC Press
¥ 804
Nienow / 1997-09-01 / Butterworth-Heinemann
¥ 1533
Victor Turoski / 1997-09-01 / CRC Press
¥ 2628
David H.F. Liu and Bela G. Liptak / 1997-08-29 / CRC Press
¥ 8012
C. Roffey / 1997-08-27 / Wiley
¥ 884
Baumann, Steven D. J.;Adashko, J. George / 1997-08-15 / AIP-Press
¥ 1142
Eckhart Blass / 1997-08-14 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 2961
Timothy Gutowski / 1997-07-18 / Wiley-Interscience
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