P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati; L. Hens, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Human Ecology Department, Bruxelles, Belgium; C.V. Howard / 2010-11-25 / Springer Netherlands
Peter M. Chapman, William J. Adams, Marjorie Brooks, Charles G. Delos, Samuel N. Luoma, William A. Maher, Harry M. Ohlendorf, Theresa S. Presser and Patrick Shaw / 2010-05-06 / CRC Press
Edited by Pernille Thorbek, Valery E. Forbes, Fred Heimbach, Udo Hommen, Hans-Hermann Thulke, Paul van den Brink, Jörn Wogram and Volker Grimm / 2009-11-24 / CRC Press