¥ 185
James Allen / 2010-08-20 / Dummies
¥ 1326
Romano / 2010-08-15 / Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel
¥ 2554
Barbosa, Ramiro S. / 2010-08-15 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1239
Klein / 2010-07-15 / Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel
¥ 288
Pretor-Pinney, Gavin;Rooney, David(Illustrator);White, Graham(Illustrator) / 2010-07-06 / Perigee Books
¥ 2139
Pilipchuk / 2010-05-30 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 751
Tsamparlis, Michael / 2010-05-28 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1136
Scheck, Florian / 2010-04-01 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 72
Atkins Peter / 2010-03-25 / Oxford University Press
¥ 1220
Fermi, Enrico / 2010-02-02 / WWW.Snowballpublishing.com
¥ 408
JOHNSON PORTER WEAR / 2010-02-01 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 3066
Benson Tongue / 2010-01-21 / Wiley
¥ 1904
Ahmed Shabana / 2010-01-12 / Wiley
¥ 3104
Liqiu Wang, University of Hong Kong Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR / 2009-10-09 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 3030
Petre P. Teodorescu, Bucuresti 20, Romania / 2009-08-04 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 1380
USIK LEE / 2009-07-30 / Wiley
¥ 689
GLUCK PAUL ET AL / 2009-07-02 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 496
GLUCK PAUL ET AL / 2009-07-02 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 1445
Ling Chen / 2009-05-29 / Wiley-Interscience
¥ 1245
Constantine Pozrikidis, University of California, San Diego Dept. Mechanical & Aerospace Engin., La Jolla, CA, USA / 2009-05-26 / Springer US
¥ 236
Potter, Merle C. / 2009-04-01 
¥ 1472
JIANBING CHEN / 2009-03-26 / Wiley
¥ 1062
Genta, Giancarlo;Genta, G. / 2008-12-17 / Springer US
¥ 374
Lemons, Don S. / 2008-11-03 / Johns Hopkins University Press
¥ 1995
Eduardo A. de Souza Neto / 2008-10-17 / Wiley
¥ 408
BRIZARD ALAIN J / 2008-10-14 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 716
BRIZARD ALAIN J / 2008-10-14 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 578
MOSHE GITTERMAN / 2008-10-10 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 1096
Eckart W. Gekeler, Universität Stuttgart Institut für Angewandte Analysis, Stuttgart, Germany / 2008-09-25 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1768
Schemmel / 2008-09-15 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 1057
FUNARO DANIELE / 2008-06-19 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 756
TAN ARJUN / 2008-01-07 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 325
TAN ARJUN / 2008-01-07 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 411
Dunning-Davies, Jeremy / 2008-01-01 / Woodhead Publishing
¥ 1287
Soheil Mohammadi / 2007-11-12 / Wiley-Blackwell
¥ 1162
Friedrich Siebert / 2007-10-17 / Wiley-VCH
¥ 2230
Richard Talman / 2007-05-25 / Wiley-VCH
¥ 1768
Horie, Yasuyuki / 2007-03-15 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1768
P.P. Teodorescu / 2007-02-01 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 2652
Grabowski / 2006-10-12 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 139
Pierce, John R. / 2006-10-06 / Dover Publications
¥ 2861
Jean-Louis Guyader / 2006-09-14 / Wiley-ISTE
¥ 1499
Jianmin Qu / 2006-08-07 / Wiley
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