¥ 2080
Joe F. Thompson; Joe F. Thompson; Bharat K. Soni; Nigel P. Weatherill / 1998-12-29 / CRC Press
¥ 1369
Judah Rosenblatt and Stoughton Bell / 1998-12-28 / CRC Press
¥ 1642
Tien-Chang Lee / 1998-12-10 / CRC Press
¥ 1768
Landsman / 1998-12-07 / Springer New York
¥ 1909
Vorovich / 1998-12-04 / Springer New York
¥ 1502
M. S. Howe / 1998-12-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1260
Xin-Hou Hua and Chung-Chun Yang / 1998-11-26 / CRC Press
¥ 2031
Aliev, F. A.(编辑);Larin, V. B.(编辑) / 1998-11-19 / CRC Press
¥ 822
Zaven A. Karian and Edward J. Dudewicz / 1998-11-09 / CRC Press
¥ 1504
Drew / 1998-11-06 / Springer New York
¥ 1003
Rumyantsev / 1998-10-27 / Springer Wien
¥ 884
Afriat, Alexander;Selleri, F.;Selleri, Franco / 1998-10-15 / Springer US
¥ 442
Resnikoff, Howard L.;Resnikoff, H. L.;Wells, R. O. / 1998-09-18 / Springer New York
¥ 1971
Chen, Zhongying; Li, Yueshen; Micchelli, Charles / 1998-09-10 / CRC Press
¥ 2628
Angelo Favini and Atsushi Yagi / 1998-09-10 / CRC Press
¥ 1513
K Farahmand / 1998-08-15 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 1334
Moloney / 1998-08-13 / Springer New York
¥ 2227
A.A. Martynyuk / 1998-08-03 / CRC Press
¥ 2216
Tupholme G. E. Wood A. S. / 1998-07-09 / Oxford University Press
¥ 1326
International Symposium on Symmetries in;Ramek, Michael;Gruber, Bruno / 1998-06-15 / Springer US
¥ 1518
George Dassios, Dimitrios I Fotiadis, Christos V Massalas and Kiriakie Kiriaki / 1998-06-11 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 389
L. B. Freund / 1998-06-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1157
Michel C. Delfour / 1998-05-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1096
Mircea S. Reghis and Eugene Roventa / 1998-05-20 / CRC Press
¥ 2244
Narenda Govil, Ram N. Mohapatra, Zuhair Nashed, A. Sharma and J. Szabados / 1998-05-12 / CRC Press
¥ 884
International Society for Analysis Appli;Ramm, Alexander G.;Ramm, A. G. / 1998-04-15 / Springer US
¥ 2079
Reuven Rubinstein / 1998-02-23 / Wiley-Interscience
¥ 1326
Damgaard, P. H.;North Atlantic Treaty Organization;NATO Advanced Research Workshop on New D / 1998-02-15 / Springer US
¥ 1326
Baal, P. Van;North Atlantic Treaty Organization;NATO Advanced Study Institute and Isaac / 1998-02-15 / Springer US
¥ 1545
Andrews Larry C. / 1998-01-15 / Oxford University Press
¥ 1344
CF Chan Man Fong and D De Kee / 1998-01-13 / CRC Press
¥ 1862
Richard F. Mould / 1998-01-01 / CRC Press
¥ 714
M. Bertero and P. Boccacci / 1998-01-01 / CRC Press
¥ 442
Bovier / 1997-12-18 / Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel
¥ 884
Prabhu, N. U.;Karatzas, I.;Balakrishnan, A. V. / 1997-12-15 / Springer New York
¥ 468
D.F. Griffiths, G.A. Watson and D J Higham / 1997-12-05 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 903
Michael Griebel / 1997-12-01 / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
¥ 1223
R. S. Johnson / 1997-12-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 567
R. S. Johnson / 1997-12-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 425
Abbas Bahri / 1997-11-28 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 1334
Feintuch / 1997-11-20 / Springer New York
¥ 1524
V Berdichevsky / 1997-10-24 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 1521
John W Schutz / 1997-10-08 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 193
Hamilton Johnny E.Hamilton Margaret S. / 1997-10-01 / *USCPM000
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