¥ 1247
Helland, Inge S. / 2019-01-01 / Wiley
¥ 1254
Arnold, Barry C.; Sarabia, Jose-Maria / 2019-01-01 / Wiley
¥ 972
Heiberger, Richard M.;Holland, Burt / 2019-01-01 / Springer New York
¥ 1504
Cohen, Samuel N.();Gyongy, Istvan();Dos Reis, Gonҫalo() / 2019-01-01 / Springer International Publishing
¥ 1642
MACHLIS / 2018-12-28 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 1314
Dongseok Choi, Oregon Health & Science University , Portland, OR, USA; Daeheung Jang, Pukyong National University , Busan, Korea (Republic of); Tze Leung Lai, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA; Y / 2018-12-22 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1321
Sven Knoth; Wolfgang Schmid / 2018-12-19 / Springer Nature Switzerland AG
¥ 1132
Ding-Geng (Din) Chen, University of North Carolina, University of Pretoria, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; Yuhlong Lio, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, USA; Hon Keung Tony Ng, Southern Methodist Un / 2018-12-12 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1149
Xiaoying Han Auburn AL USA Peter E. Kloeden School of Mathematics and Statistics Wuh / 2018-12-11 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1239
Jan Beran / 2018-12-11 / Springer Nature Switzerland AG
¥ 1326
Il Do Ha, Pukyong National University, Busan; Jong-Hyeon Jeong, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; Youngjo Lee, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Republic of) / 2018-12-11 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 666
John Gough / 2018-12-04 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 716
Bertrand S. Clarke / 2018-12-04 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1214
Vladimir I. Bogachev / 2018-11-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1260
MARCHI / 2018-11-29 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 299
Nualart, David;Nualart, Eulalia / 2018-11-22 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 846
Nualart, David;Nualart, Eulalia / 2018-11-22 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 478
Deborah G. Mayo / 2018-11-22 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 716
Fred L. Bookstein / 2018-11-22 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1257
Peter Filzmoser, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria; Karel Hron, Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic; Matthias Templ, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland / 2018-11-13 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1062
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark; Fred Espen Benth, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; Almut E. D. Veraart, Imperial College London, London, UK / 2018-11-12 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 884
Peter K. Dunn, School of Health of Sport Science, University of the Sunshine Coast, , QLD, Australia; Gordon K. Smyth, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, VIC, Australia / 2018-11-11 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 524
Panayiotis Nicos Kaloyerou, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia / 2018-11-03 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 659
Maurice Duits; Kurt Johansson / 2018-10-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1187
John Olusegun Ogundare / 2018-10-26 / Wiley
¥ 1267
Kees van Montfort, Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen, The Netherlands; Johan H.L. Oud, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Manuel C. Voelkle, Humboldt-Universit鋞 zu Berlin, Berli / 2018-10-22 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 964
Ayache Antoine / 2018-10-10 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 1254
Inge S. Helland, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway / 2018-10-10 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 428
Günther Bourier, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule, Regensburg, Germany / 2018-10-06 / Gabler Verlag / Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
¥ 1412
James Cochran / 2018-10-05 / Wiley
¥ 658
Michalowicz, Joseph Victor; Nichols, Jonathan M.; Bucholtz, Frank / 2018-10-03 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 658
Jonathan K. Regenstein, Jr. / 2018-10-02 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 1862
Jonathan K. Regenstein, Jr. / 2018-10-02 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 1641
Bouza-Herrera, Carlos / 2018-10-01 / Academic Press
¥ 767
Athreya, Siva (Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India);Sunder, V. S. (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India) / 2018-09-30 / CRC Press
¥ 658
Myers, Wayne L.; Patil, Ganapati P. / 2018-09-28 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 624
Karl E. Peace / 2018-09-28 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 331
G黱ther Bourier, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany / 2018-09-26 / Gabler Verlag / Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
¥ 547
Douglas G. Martinson / 2018-09-20 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 238
Deborah G. Mayo / 2018-09-20 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1424
Phillip I. Good (Consultant, Huntington Beach, California, USA) / 2018-09-18 / CRC Press
¥ 695
Arup Bose, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India; Snigdhansu Chatterjee, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA / 2018-09-11 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 1317
Esteban Alfaro / 2018-09-05 / Wiley-Blackwell
¥ 1127
Shigeyuki Matsui, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan; John Crowley, Cancer Research and Biostatistics, Seattle, WA, USA / 2018-09-04 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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