¥ 1536
Sakhnovich / 1997-11-30 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 650
I.G. Macdonald / 1997-11-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1233
Pap / 1997-10-31 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 941
Harold Levine / 1997-10-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 2208
Frank Burk / 1997-10-20 / Wiley-Interscience
¥ 1522
T M Rassias / 1997-10-08 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 1508
Rauch / 1997-10-03 / Springer New York
¥ 650
Lars Garding / 1997-09-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1214
V. A. Kozlov; V. G. Mazya / 1997-09-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 884
Kuzin / 1997-09-23 / Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel
¥ 762
Dix / 1997-09-18 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 884
Biegler, Lorenz T.;Biegler, Lorenz T.;Coleman, Thomas / 1997-09-15 / Springer New York
¥ 1054
Steven Rosenberg / 1997-09-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1553
S. K. Godunov / 1997-08-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 2024
A. K. Louis / 1997-08-28 / Wiley
¥ 884
Biegler, Lorenz T.;Biegler, Lorenz T.;Coleman, Thomas F. / 1997-08-15 / Springer New York
¥ 2304
Michael C. Reed / 1997-08-12 / Wiley
¥ 479
ZAIDMAN S / 1997-08-07 / World Scientific Publishing
¥ 921
Dahmen, Kurdilaoswald / 1997-08-01 / Academic Press
¥ 2309
Ivan Singer / 1997-07-31 / Wiley-Interscience
¥ 1214
Jan Maly / 1997-07-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 309
Movchan, Alexander / 1997-07-15 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 2291
Robert Kass / 1997-07-03 / Wiley-Interscience
¥ 231
Kaballo, Winfried / 1997-07-01 / Spektrum Akademischer Verlag
¥ 995
Allan Pinkus / 1997-07-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 389
Allan Pinkus / 1997-07-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1304
Svante Janson / 1997-06-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 278
Helga Fetter / 1997-06-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1214
Jon Aaronson / 1997-05-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 465
Christina Q. He; Michel L. Lapidus / 1997-05-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1681
Yves Meyer / 1997-05-29 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 1518
N K Bliev / 1997-05-19 / Chapman and Hall/CRC
¥ 397
Bardi, Martino / 1997-05-15 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
¥ 248
V. Jones / 1997-05-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 3299
Arkeryd / 1997-04-30 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 651
Paulo D. Cordaro / 1997-04-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 2071
Mitropolsky / 1997-04-30 / Springer Netherlands
¥ 1553
V. G. Osmolovskii / 1997-03-30 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 416
Paul S. Bourdon / 1997-02-28 / American Mathematical Society (AMS)
¥ 1149
Willem / 1997-02-01 / Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel
¥ 1054
P. Wojtaszczyk / 1997-02-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 488
P. Wojtaszczyk / 1997-02-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 111
Berlinski David / 1997-01-28 / Penguin Random House US
¥ 2180
Ole A. Nielsen / 1997-01-11 / Wiley-Interscience
¥ 545
Steven Rosenberg / 1997-01-01 / Cambridge University Press
¥ 707
Gustafson / 1996-12-15 / Springer New York
¥ 884
Egorov, Yu V. / 1996-12-15 / Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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